Sunday, June 21, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Techniques for sleeping faster

How to sleep faster:

If you try a WBTB or something similar, you might experience some difficulties to sleep. I searched and found some tips for sleeping faster and they worked well.

The 4-7-8 Technique:

It's a breathing method, I read you can instantly sleep by repeating this cycle 4 times. It has helped me a lot, but I still haven't managed to sleep only in 4 cycles and I don't even think it's possible, but you do feel more relaxed and, since i read that, I don't remember having trouble to sleep.

1) Put your tongue behind your upper teeth and focus on leaving them there all the time
2) Breathe continuously counting to 4 (just count, it doesn't have to be 4 seconds)
3) Hold it counting to 7 (same thing)
4) Release your breath counting to 8 (do it very lightly, but make noise)

It was developed by a dude with a giant white beard and if you search, you can find a lot of videos of him on YT showing how to do it.

When I first did that, I didn't know about the first step, and it also helped me sleeping... I haven't tried it with the intention of getting instant sleep, but it helps because it gets you focused on that cycle, so if you want to use it for meditation, it's useful too.

Stretching and Contracting Muscles:

a) Simply stretch your legs, arms, chest, just like you would do before playing any sport. I sincerely don't know why that helps and IF it does, cause I mix up a lot of techniques, but I'm sure it doesn't make it more difficult, so why not? At least you'll become more flexible.

b) Contract all the muscles you can for a few seconds and then release... Another thing I don't know why, but why not?

No pressure:

The biggest mistake to do when you're struggling to sleep is getting angry at yourself or worried because you are distracted. Just lay on your bed and let your mind start imagining things, don't try to force anything. This must-sleep pressure is only going to get it worse. Sleeping is about relaxing.

This website:

When I used to have a lot of problems to sleep before important days because of the item above :D, I tried some tricks on this website and they didn't work. But I've already seen a lot of people recommend it, so if you wanna try:

Sleeping Tricks - Effective Techniques For Falling Asleep

It's basic advice that goes from sheep counting to reverse psychology, and they explain very well.

Thanks a lot! If you have any other technique/website/list please share here and I will edit this post giving your credits. Share your experience too, if you try an LD method that involves sleeping fast like WBTB, FILD or anything else, tell me if you had success.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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