Wednesday, June 17, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – June 18th, 2015

Week of July 5th will be “Medical Week” here on MSO. Medical info might not be as exciting as guns and ammo but essential nonetheless. Stay tuned!

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The news coming out of California with this drought is incredible. Areas have had their water rights revoked in an effort to conserve as much water as possible. Within days they will run out of water unless alternate suppliers can be found.

In the news story I read one guy mentioned that people thought he was crazy for having 500 gallons of drinking water on hand.

Not any more.

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SouthernPrepper1 recorded a follow up to his “Our country is doomed” video which garnered a good amount of attention. If you missed the first follow the link above and go watch it.

Here is his follow up – “Publicly stating one grievance with our government

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I cannot imagine the skeletons that would come out of Donald Trump’s closet if a miracle were to happen and he actually won the Republican nomination.

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In case anyone missed it I am holding a SHTF Go To Gun Contest. Simply send in a creative picture of your Go To gun along with a description and you might win a case of MRE’s from


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I was a huge comic book collector as a child and even into early adulthood. HUGE! Favorite comic book? Batman.





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