Monday, June 29, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Am i being aware correctly?

I am practicing my awareness by
-Paying attention to everything thats going on around me (except for my breathing, i feel that would drive me nuts. Maybe when i'm better at being aware in the future haha
-Keeping the thought that i could be "dreaming" at any given moment in my mind
- Day dreaming, and getting "lucid" in said day dream
-Meditating ( i use Guided Meditation videos on Youtube)
And lastly
-Living life as if i were lucid dreaming 24/7. I know that i am dreaming basically, all day, all night. And take each day as if it were another dream. ( i am not all that sure if this one is good, but i find that it's very easy for me to stay aware of everything and observe my surroundings this way.)
- Also whenever i find myself "un-aware" i make myself aware again my initiating a Reality check, and going back to being aware with one or more of the methods noted above.

That's basically what i have been practicing for my awareness lately (: hope it's good enough to get me DILD's eventually.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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