Monday, June 29, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – June 30th, 2015


I have put this out there before and made some contacts: If you are in the York County, SC area and interested in joining a MAG send me an email. A local group there is looking for potential members. emergencycd(at)gmail(dot)com

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Yesterday Glenn Beck commented on the situation in Greece. Listen to it below. Very interesting. About 8 minutes:

Beck Blitz Greece economy

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I finished the book series 299 Days(Book Nine) and have to admit it was emotional to have such a wonderful story come to an end.

“I Miss America”

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My brother recommend “The Last Alaskans” TV show couple days ago. Really good. So envious of the life many of these people are leading. Watched the first three episodes so far. What beautiful country in Alaska.

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Coldest temperature I have ever been in….. -13 degrees F. I would welcome some of that cold right now to take away some of this heat.

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Did you hear about NASA cutting live feed from the Space Station as three UFO’s come into view? Really, not kidding. Watch the video for yourself. Pretty interesting. Now alien invasion is added to the list of things to prepare for.

Gotta find me a Phaser.












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