Monday, June 29, 2015

Easy Way To Listen To Cube Sats

[Bill Meara] has discovered an easy way to listen to amateur “cube-sat” satellites using a cheap SDR Dongle.

The DVB-T SDR Dongle comes in at a whopping thirteen bucks, and the highly sophisticated antenna (pdf) is made from a bit of copper wire and uses aluminum wire for the ground plane.

Once he had everything hooked up, [Bill] went to the Heavens Above website to see when satellites would be passing over him. He was able to lock onto the Prism Satellite, and then a couple other cube-sats that were launched from Russia and Istanbul.

While listening to the Japanese FO-29 satellite at 470 MHz, the Doppler Shift was noticeable ,verifying that he was indeed tuned in to a device in low Earth orbit. Be sure to check out his blog for more details, not to mention the video below where you can hear the Doppler Shift for yourself.

Filed under: radio hacks

via Hackaday » radio hacks

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