Wednesday, June 24, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – June 25th, 2015

A new video has been added to the Patriots membership area. I have several more planned as well as additional articles and downloads. I am also negotiating with a few more online vendors for more discounts.

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Just ordered a 2-meter J-pole antenna for ham radio use. Thing gets great reviews on YouTube and I am looking forward to setting it up.

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The town I live in is now at a Level 1 drought. No mandatory restrictions as of yet. Glad I added another rain barrel for my garden…….


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This heat has been zapping my energy for workouts. Like most Crossfit facilities mine has no air conditioning so when it is 100 out it is around 93 inside. Exercising in that heat makes warming up pretty easy but extended workouts are a struggle.

Something to consider if the SHTF and tasks such as patrolling, scavenging, weeding, gardening, digging, building, etc. need to be done. Hydration is incredibly important and not with just water. Replacing electrolytes can be done by pouring replenishment packets into water. Good idea to add a couple in your pack.

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This onslaught of political correctness is getting ridiculous. It started with removal of the Confederate flag, now it is getting rid of historic statues, changing the names of schools, and changing school mascots. I have no connection with the flag so I really could care less except for the fact that all this effort is being directed at the wrong thing for the wrong reason. That evil man killed 9 people in a church. Lets put the responsibility where it lies.

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The United Kingdom continues to implode as socialism shows how its policies and practices effect a nation. Pretty sad.





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