Tuesday, June 30, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – July 1st, 2015

Greece’s unemployment rate sits at over 25%. This is just one indication of a country run by Socialists where the vast majority of citizens actually work for the government. Greece has not made their scheduled $1.8 billion dollar loan payment to the I.M.F. however there is still a possibility that they will make a deal with their creditors. I

In July Greece has another scheduled payment due. This one is to the European Central Bank to the tune of $3.5 billion dollars. All indications are unless they can receive another European bailout the dominoes are going to start falling even faster.

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Don’t you just love it when someone needs something from you it is “right now”, right away” and “ASAP” but when you need something it’s like pulling teeth.

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I am in the middle of test the Olight S80 Flashlight. This thing ROCKS!!! Review coming next week.

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Anyone have any experience with night vision goggles such as these Yukon NV 1 x 24 units or something similar. I understand they are Gen 1 and someone else with night vision can see the illuminator.

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Hope you get a kick out of this……



via ModernSurvivalOnline.com http://ift.tt/1JrjqE3

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