Thursday, June 11, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Your opinion please (technique "i'm awake")

I've hit a huge bump in my LD journey. NUMBER ONE, I have been struggling with a personal addiction in my life and haven't been keeping a journal. You see, every time I relapse from this addiction, I tear out the day's dream entry and start over for next day. It's as if I can't forgive myself from doing this and don't want to be reminded of when I last did it. Have you ever had a regret or addiction, and has it ever affected your lucidity? Should I just drop this addiction and move on? Please help.

NUMBER TWO: I stumbled across a youtube video of a woman, who suggested the practice of reminding yourself as much as possible that you're AWAKE all day long. She said to choose a few objects that you use on a daily basis as triggers, and to always tell yourself that you're awake from either seeing them or using them. With practice, the objects will supposedly appear in your dreams and you will suddenly realize that you're not awake and become lucid after they glitch. (I can post a link to this video, if you like.)

Doesn't this contradict the practice of always assuming that you're dreaming and NOT awake? In my opinion, it makes more sense, because you don't have to assume or "pretend" anything. EX: "I look at my hands and see that I have five fingers, therefore I'm awake. If they were more than five, I'd be asleep. EX. After looking at my watch twice, I am awake." However, most people don't suggest revealing whether you're awake or not, so doesn't this pose a problem?

In summary, I seem to have a personal problem of forgiving myself for having a personal addiction, and am constantly counting the days when I don't relapse. By having a journal, I am presented with the problem of knowing when I last quit the addiction, and have trouble not associating my journal with my progress from overcoming it. How do I get over this mess and disassociate my problems from keeping a journal. Am I crazy, or have you ever encountered a similar problem like this? Thanks for reading!! PS: I've had 30 LDs, but only from making my hands my dreamsign.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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