Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | HeLP, pLeAsE! Stuck in a dream image.

Hi, guys. This is my first post here. I've only recently found out opabout LDing and I'm very interested and excited to do it. I've been doing ADA for about 3 days now and had a weird experience lastniht/this morning. Please tell me what I should do?

This was the dream:

All I saw was what looked like a 2 images of a 3-D model of what looked like the bones of the arm (humerus, radius, and ulna) or the bones of the leg (femur, tibia, and fibula). There was a one image at the top and one image at the bottom. The bones were grey, instead of white, and the background was a grey that was darker a little darker than the bones. In the top image, there one bone that was highlighted in a dark pink color. I remember hearing a voice say "Is this bone the (blank)?" I think there there was also a bone in the bottom image that was highlighted in the same dark pink color. I wanted to do a reality check, but, I couldn't see myself. The only thing(s) that I was able to see were these two images. I knew that I was unconscious, but, didn't even know how I would go about doing an RC. So, I was just a sitting duck.

Backfround information:

==A little before I turned off the light to go to bed, I told myself that if I see the pink pen that I had on my dresser, I would know that I'm dreaming. I didn't see the pen. But, I saw the color of it for the bones that were highlighted.
==while under my covers, I was going through what and where I went that day and what everyone said to me. My mind and vision traveled to the places that I went that day and to the people that I spoke to and heard speaking.
==I've been doing drawing anatomy courses lately that provide me w/ a 3-D model of the bones.

Please help. I had no idea what to do in a situation like that. There was no background environment, no people, or anything like that. What should I have done and what should I do if I experience something like that again?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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