Thursday, June 4, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – June 5th, 2015


So looking forward to this weekend. Cooking some burgers and hotdogs on the grill. Been eating pretty good so going to cheat a bit. Pop tarts. Yeah – Kellogg’s blueberry pop tarts.

Wife and Jonathan have to work so it will be Christopher, the dogs and I.

Going to have a beer – or twelve.

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Scientists recently discovered lobster fossils 7 feet in length. That would be some seriously good eating.

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I am planning a chat session tonight around 8:00pm eastern. See the green “chat” tab in the lower right hand corner of the screen? Just click on it tonight when it says I am on and feel free to ask me something, tell me something – whatever.

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If anyone is looking into a Roku box or an Amazon Fire TV Stick – I do not recommend the Fire TV Stick. Roku box all the way.

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Growing up I loved remote control cars. I had some pretty good ones over the years. I remember while going to Clemson University I used one to scare girls walking by the library so I had a reason to strike up conversations. Those were the days. I have bought my two boys a variety of remote control cars at different Christmases but they never seemed to be as good as my old ones.

Living in the past I guess I started looking at some on the Internet. You can spend a lot of money on these things and I am looking for something a bit better on the wallet. I noticed that MSO sponsor carries quite a variety and the prices look really good.

I saw this GPTOYS 911 RC car and it looks awesome. Under $60 with free shipping and this thing will go around 30 mph. I seriously might pull the trigger on one and then tell my wife, “Well honey, I thought Christopher would really like it and give him something to do over the summer. Really.”

He he he he.


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Take care everyone and be safe.




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