Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Why do I always have short lucids?

I always have these long, intricate dreams every night. Sometimes I am blessed with a short lucid or OBE, usually towards the end of the night. In the dreams I am always somewhat aware of my dreaming state. However, whenever I find myself in a lucid dream I am never able to hold on to that control for very long.

Just a couple minutes ago, after a series of complex dreams involving a bunch of my old friends/lucid dreaming buddies from the past, I found myself in a FA of sorts. I was able to fully recognize this certain dream state, and proceeded to walk out my front door and started to fly. The flying is always very uncontrollable, I find myself usually doing the running man in order to just stay in the air, sort of like tricking my mind into thinking I know what I'm doing. Ended up landing in this big field of trees and started to run. However, whenever I succeed in further stabilizing myself like this, I start to get really nervous that I won't be able to maintain it. My mind pretty much knows it won't last for long and I end up waking myself up for no reason.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/1vbXdXb

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