Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Erin Pavlina method...


has anyone tried Erin Pavlina method for getting LD? how is it supposed to work?

she said we need to keep our eyes open when falling sleep. if needed, we can blink when we want. but we should not allow our eye-lids to be closed until we enter to the dream. it may take many weeks to master in it.

my question= i have tried this method for 1 week some months ago and it made my eyes too dry and i couldn't keep them open. how to over-come this? also, how is it possible to enter the dream while our eyes are open?

she is one of the LD gurus in the world so her words are not stupid as you may have already thought.


via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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