Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | DILD Awareness Technique - Where And Why - My Concept/Idea For Technique

Hi People,

I've been recently thinking about going into DILD Techniques. But the stuff which discouraged me to do it were reality checks and lenghty awareness techniques. I don't like to do too frequently reality checks and all day awareness is pain too. I've been brainstorming while taking shower and i've jumped onto some good idea :-P

Where And Why Awareness Technique

It would base on few things

1. Where Am I?

2. Why Am I Here?

3. If i'm not sure of one of above questions then do the reality check or any other thingy to confirm whether i'm dreaming or not

4. Frequency (How frequent would be awareness applied (Every 15 mins, every 30, every 50 etc...))


I've decided to perform WWA Technique every around twenty minutes and the time has come to do so. I'm starting to perform the technique ? I manage to recall that i'm in my local school at second floor. Because i'm schoolboy and mom drived me here with car...

Example 2:

It's time to perform technique again... I'm in my house in my room. Because i live here and i've been drived back by parent from school few hours ago here...

From what i know/heard/experienced memories in dream are quite fuzzy and there's quite high chance that you won't be able to remember such stuff which acknowleding may trigger lucidity. If you manage to successfuly do awareness test and acknowledge that you might be dreaming there are three ways you end up. Depending how convinced you are that you are dreaming:

- If your not so convinced then you either test reality, memory or do reality check

- If your convinced that your dreaming yet want to confirm it you do same as above

- If your quite sure that your dreaming since you noticed weird stuff around you just due to triggering waking awareness then oh well enjoy lucid i say :D

This is my concept of techinque

What do you people think of it?

I myself think that it might give some fancy lucids since it seems to be easy and fast to perform. Those questions tbh seem to take no longer than 5 secs with 10 sec as max. And as a last note you don't need to ask yourself those questions over over you may just form answers for them while still knowing why your doing it and what to do if you don't know answers (Reality Test)

- Thanks

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/1JIJ2iZ

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