Thursday, February 12, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Daily Awareness Practice

I've read all the guides and many threads on practicing awareness during the day for the purpose of increasing awareness and cultivating lucidity inside dreams. I had a thought this morning and began putting it into practice today.

The foundation is to simply be mindful/aware as often as possible, with the goal of gradual improvement. This is nothing new and the same concept embodied in all methods I've read here for increasing awareness. However when I become aware my awareness has drifted, I use that as a trigger to ask "Am I dreaming?". I then gather my awareness and do an assessment of my reality, using all available sensory input. I then do a RC. It's much like the exercise of shifting back to breath during meditation when breath is no longer evident.

At its heart is the recognition of diminished awareness, which is a quality/state of a NLD. So the mind has wandered, the subconscious has redirected my awareness away from the task at hand and into some narrative of past, future, plans, emotions, etc... Some 'Story of Me', which is really a waking dream, and is not grounded in the Here & Now. Or perhaps I am dreaming...

For me it also feels like a much more organic and less contrived way to initiate a RC. My hope is this will eventually carry over into the dream realm where I get an inkling I'm not being mindful, leading to a marshaling of awareness followed by a question and assessment of my current state and concluded with a RC to verify my state.

Any and all feedback is appreciated.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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