Sunday, February 15, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Does WBTB help?

Recently in the last two nights I tried WBTB for the first times. It seemed simple enough, set an alarm for 5 hours and when you wake up, hang out for a little all the while thinking of lucid dreaming. Well, I tried this but I didn't really work the way I expected. I expected something that might even help me with my recll and may even make my dreams more vivid. I didn't necessarilly expect it to make me lucid because I just started back up not too long ago. However, I realized that when I woke up on the first morning I only remembered two very small thinks and those were numbers for some reason. This morning when I tried it I couldn't remember anything. Am I doing anything wrong, should I even be doing WBTB this early in my dreaming? IDK. Any response would be greatly appreciated thanks!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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