Monday, February 16, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | All desperate ones, try this easy trick!


Me and my girlfriend started to practice lucid dreaming something like 3 months ago. I got my first ld, and ones after it fairly easy and quickly but she on the other hand, despite the fact that she tried harder then me, never got a lucid till tonight. Except for this one occasion i didn't have a chance to futher test my theory, but as for now it worked 100% :D I came to a conclusion that it should be easy to attain lucidity if you could associate it with a strong emotion, becouse strong emotions that we had during the day are often reflected during dreaming. So as she was laying in bed ready to go to sleep, i went out of the room and seconds after i entered the room violently and loudly scaring the .... out of her screaming "it's a dream!", and even thought she was very scared she understood what it was for and did RT, even thought she wasn't doing it all day. So this night after she saw a zombie elder women :D, she did RT and became lucid. Her lucidity in this dream was like 6/10 but it was very long even thought it was her first :) So i think if you have someone to try it out with and he or she is good at scaring, you should give it a try. I think it's very important to get VERY scared and it should happen not long before sleep, and of course person scaring you has to scream "it's a dream" and it woulkd be good if you did RT. If anyone finds it helpful, let me know, good luck and don't try this with a weak heart, don't wanna have a heart attack :D

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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