Monday, February 9, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | A prayer for Lucid Dreaming

I just had a random idea, i thought i would share it :)

A method for praying for Lucid Dreaming:

So, a prayer right ? Let's compose a personal prayer that can convey some meaningful and positive midset, i would like something close to « This moment is truly magic, i could well be dreaming now. I wish i can become lucid at all times...». You can make your own personal prayer, including goals for instance

Second, a tool to remind to pray and to estimate the progress: what if one used the 10 hand fingers for a proxy of a prayer colar :D ? One could pray while touching one finger and remember the associated finger, using one different finger for each prayer session, aiming to do, for instance, something like 10 prayer sessions along the day, and maybe using it to fall asleep too or for a WILD

So, just a thought. I am not a praying person (since my kid times), but this could be some fun :)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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