Saturday, February 14, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Lucidity and Vividity?

I just had maybe one or two dreams that felt so real that I wasn't actually sure I was dreaming in the moment or not. One of them I woke in my room, but I was in my old loft bed (I have a daybed now) in the same room I have right now. The freaky part of it was that like I said, it felt so real I wasn't sure if it was reality or not. I then remember going down this step-ladder thing I used to have and realizing that, yes, this is a dream. I tried to fly from said step-ladder only to result in failing. Though I might've flown a tiny bit once I was on the floor.

Is it normal to have dreams this vivid? They don't happen often, but they freak me out nonetheless. I had one previous to this that I literally kept telling myself to wake up because what was happening on my ceiling (lightning streaking across) was so scary to me. Both dreams have taken place in my old bed along with being in my current room.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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