Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Lucid Waking Life

I'm new but I hope this is the right spot for this.

I have had many lucid dreams in the past and I, like many of you, am aware waking life is the same as dream.

I have tried many methods to become lucid in waking life (within boundaries of waking safety) but the results have been weaker than I would hope.

I think it is because in other dreams where I become lucid I tell myself I will wake up in another location but with this dream of waking life becoming lucid would mean there is no place to wake up to.

Here are some things I do to attain waking lucidity:

-State checks (from crazy like icebolts from my eyes to light switch)

-Self recorded guided meditation for lucidity

-Awareness training

-I carry a dream totem bracelet as a reminder

-Vision Board

-Write predictions for the day/month/years and check off those that come true

-Read lucidity articles/books

-Books on reality creation/law of attraction

What are some good ways you have come across to be lucid in waking life?

Extra note: I leave my guided meditation playing in my home 24/7 and plan to do so for a month as a way of mental reprogramming. It has only been 10 days so 20 more to go

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/1E44B6h

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