Thursday, February 5, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | CHALLENGE: Post instructions for a novice to have lucid dreams in five or less sentences


Record your dreams in a journal every morning after waking up 90 minutes earlier than you intend to get up for the day.

Count yourself back to sleep saying in your mind "1, im dreaming, 2 im dreaming, 3.... etc." Until you fall asleep.

Do 5-10 reality checks per day (ask yourself "am i dreaming? Then try to read small text, look away, then try to read it again, if you're dreaming the text will become incomprehensible.)

End example.

It needs to be something someone who knows nothing about lucid dreaming could figure out without doing a bunch of research. So abbreviations like MILD and WILD are out. Any esoteric terminology must be explained.

These can be tested and refined. I know a few people who are interested in lucid dreaming but do not want to read a book or swim through a sea of info. I'll give each one of them one only of the top two or three we decide is the best (one method per person) and see what happens.

Naturally whomever else wants to test them would be fantastic! As many results as possible is best. Lets see what we can do!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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