Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Reality checks - only when it's "too late"?

Apologies for the vague topic, I found it hard to put in words what I meant!

Essentially, I don't do RCs a lot. Heck, I barely do them in my waking life anymore, due to a massive dry spell where I haven't even thought about lucid dreams. Which isn't great, because obviously this is one of the key factors of becoming lucid.

But my question is - are conscious reality checks really any better than just being aware? It sounds odd....but for someone who has very little experience in lucid dreaming, I have a weird trend when it comes to performing reality checks. I only seem to perform them retrospectively - I'm always 100% aware of what the outcome will be after doing a reality check whether in the waking world or in a dream. For example, I feel silly doing them in real life because "this is obviously not a dream", but when I'm dreaming often something just clicks in my brain and, rather than performing the reality check to determine if I'm dreaming, it's more of a "awesome this must be a dream, my next reality check will prove it" moment.

It makes me wonder - if I never did any reality checks at all would I still be able to become lucid? Am I doing something inherently wrong by deciding the outcome before the test is done? It feels like less of a lucid trigger and more of a test to ensure I won't make a mistake in my reasoning and end off trying to fly off a bridge in waking life cause I think it's a dream :lol:

Any thoughts? Anyone else have this?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/1DnF8bz

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