Sunday, November 10, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | SSRI + Nicotine ended my dryspell...

I just woke from a killer dream, I won't go into details but it was a big eye-opener for me and shamanic in a way because it gave me the answer I've been looking for, for many months now - in more ways than one.

I was med-free for 6 months but relapsed psychosis, during the 6 months my dream-life was almost non-existant. It is very unusual for me to have a dryspell being a natural LD'er, for 6 months I was living a dreamless life. After restarting SSRI's (currently Haliperidol + Seroquel XR400mg) my dreams started creeping back. Yesterday I began smoking again very heavily for a first day return to it and knew I would have trouble sleeping so I took a Benzo (Temazepam) to help sleep. I was awake until 4-5am and slept a solid 3-4 hours with an intensely vivid and satisfying dream.

I thought I would post this information for research purposes and to help anyone in a similar situation. I'm quite amazed how much effect nicotine has on dreams and certainly brings the question of plant spirits into play at least for me. I would theorize that the nicotine heightens your awareness whilst the SSRI's keep your physical body subdued.

On a side note I have ordered some Vetta E-Cigs so my nasty habit won't be as nasty.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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