Saturday, November 9, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Sudden spike in LD frequency and I don't really know why

I've usually averaged at having about 1LD per week to fortnight. I've tried many different methods and other things that may help but it has never increased my LD frequency that much over having them naturally (I can expect one every few weeks with no effort or interest on my part).

The last few weeks I seem to be getting them more frequently, even though I'm doing nothing more than the stuff I usually do, and have had 3 nights of lucids in the last 4 I've slept; this is unheard of from me. On one of these nights I had around 6 seperate lucid dreams all with a short duration as I was in and out of sleep in the morning, the overall time built up from them was significant though.

The problem is I don't really know why I've suddenly had a spike. Ive been able to LD for years but picked up on it seriously again about a year ago, could it be that working on it can be delayed and I'm only just starting to see results from the extra work? I know things don't work right away but it seems a big delay, but this is the only things I can think of. I RC to a point where I have a habit of it now, eat apples for supper as it improves dream recall for me, keep a journal even though I dislike doing this, read up on it (such as here), and wake myself in the night to attempt SSILD. I usually fail at it as I go back to sleep too quick though have success sometimes, and I think the act of waking in the night helps me a lot.

Has anyone else experienced getting results a long time after starting or might there be other factors affecting me? Because I LD natually its very hard for me to measure how successful a technique is for me. Any thoughts would be appreciated. If have more of an idea on what this might be I have a better chance of sustaining it.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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