Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | What should I do next?

Hi. First let me to explain the situation. I discovered lucid dreaming in july (i was searching on a method on how to remember your dreams) and it blowed my mind. When I was a child I always said that if a genie would come at me and say to me that I have a wish, I'd say that I want a world where I am god, where I can do ANYTHING. I red a lot of articles of lucid dreaming, and I know almost all the theory and informations about attaining lucid dreaming. I have tried a lot of ways to attain lucidity and it didnt worked too well. Don't get me wrong, I had like... 4 lucid dreams but just 2 of them were clear enough, but even these lasted just a few seconds and I did not known entirely that I am dreaming. During theese months of training now I can wake up EVERY night at almost exaclty 5 hours of sleep and my dreams are EXTREMLY vivid (just like real life). The bad things is that I don't have a good dream recall even if I keep a dream journal because its really frustrating ( 2 or 3 days I remember 3 dreams/night and the rest of the week I don't remember anything) . So if I don't keep a dream journal my dream recall its actually better because I remember pretty big ''chunks'' of 1 dream/night every night. The other bad thing its that I can't do reality cheks too often because i pretty much forget about them. I tried wild but I almost succeded just once, the first day I found lucid dreamings after listening like 30 minutes to some binaural beats. Sure I can listen again to binaural beats if they increase my WILD succed odds but there its a problem: I have the possibility to listen them just before I go to sleep. It would not be such a big problem but the thing what stay in my way its the dream recall because if I Lucid dream early in the night I can't remember it when I wake up. So, thanks for reading all and my question its: What should I do? Should I choose to focus just on DILD even if I don't have a really good dream recall or I should focus just on Wild?

P.S: I'm sorry for my broken english but I am from Europe ...

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://www.dreamviews.com/showthread.php?t=147666&goto=newpost

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