Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Can I use Fact that in real life I have NO GIRLS as a Reality Check?

Hi 2 week lucid dreaming practiioner. male . i've never had a lucid dream and my recall of dreams is not good currently . although it became really good back 2 years ago when i practiced dream journaling. PS I also restarted dream journaling


In real life i've never had a girlfriend, never a female friend. Yet in my dreams i have girls i get close to girls, i even have sex with them.

Is that in itself a reality check? where i could say "Hey i'm close to a girl, this must be a dream!!!!!"

I personally think i could use that as a reality check. And i'm able to set intent of what i want to dream about. I practiced that before and it works, so i could make girls in my dream and then i'd do the reality check, and then that would make me lucid ( if i am able to remember to do the reality check in my dream)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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