Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | what would you advise about where I am at LDing?


okay, motivations problems is creeping again and I wanted to give my status about my LDing and hearing what would be your advice, as well as maybe a couple of questions.

Dream journal: never got around having the proper habit!! I had some starts at it the firsts years visiting this board (years back), but know, I subconscienly have a strong bias about getting arsed at all -_-'

I sleep hard and whenever the night is propice to LD (waking after each dream, vividness, etc.), like I had last night, it don't like it and my sleepy self default to wanting no-bullshit, no-nightmare big dump lump o'slumber.

I've thus stabilised to merely hoping natural occurences of LDs while not asking or techniquing for it. It sucks and I got to move from rock bottom.

Are there no-journal people around here? Is it like doctors telling people who are fat but healthy that even then they would be healtier being less fat (that no-journal folks would still be better having a journal)?


What got you out of having short LDs where you forget to stabilise and are suckers to FAs? What is your story of becoming pros? What have become your regular techniques, and what are the ones you left behind?

I'm feeling very pessimistic about my dedication. I'm on and off on LDing and magic doesn't happen by deciding one day to jump-start an old DV account. I'm feeling alone and my asperger makes me oblivious of the real activity and life of forums; What does an actual non-lurker life looks like here? You post where?, you do what?

Okay I'm depressed proper. Sorry for that.


What would be the symptoms of common LD problems? What should I be on the lookout for?


HypnosisILD: okay, whats the status? Not an endorsed DV technique, but is it worth practicing? There are HILD posts floating around here with scripts but what would be the couple noteworthy ones you know? I've been on and off on self-hypnosis as well but I'm starting to grasp what was not working so maybe I'll start to try it again for LD? Would you advise effort in other techniques instead?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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