Sunday, November 10, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Vividness/ Clarity Affirmations not working?

I became lucid in a pretty recent dream and there wasn't much going on, I was with some woman in a rainy Harlem-like alley, as soon as I became lucid i thought of things to do based on my research of lucid dreams and as always my lucid state is not very clear/hd. It was like a foggy/fuzzy un-clarity and i remembered that if you command "Clarity Now!" it will become vivid and intense. So as I yelled it, like any other affirmation that usually immediately works i noticed that nothing got more clear, it was still hard to see what was going on. I yelled it again with the expectation of some clarity increase but nothing happened and it was still not very vivid. I also noticed something very peculiar with vivid dreams in relation to the movie "inception", In the movie when someone changes something in someone else's mind their subconscious responds by slightly collapsing the dream based on how much is changed. In my dream, whenever I manifest something or create the dream kind of "collapses" a little bit and becomes less apparent/vivid. The more I stay in the "zone" and not do anything the more real it gets, but as soon as something is changed it fades away. I'm not very experienced with lucid dreams but I've had my fair share (4-5). So how do you make it so the dream does not fade away and get into this chaotic interference of perception? and how do you change a lot while keeping lucid? and finally, how do you make everything more realistic, vivid, hd?

PS. Maybe it didn't become more clear because i didn't have a clear expectation of what "clear" is like?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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