Sunday, November 17, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Performing reality checks in dreams, but no success after that...

Hey guys,

In the last month or so I've decided to get back into lucid dreaming. I have been keeping a dream journal, looking for dream signs and performing reality checks. In the past 30 days I have had the following dream experiences (simplified here);

1. I dreamed that I was swimming on my local beach, and then through the park which was for some reason underwater. Suddenly I was walking up a street near my house, and realised that I actually could not swim that well...I looked at my left hand (the RC I do mostly in real life) and my fingers were all warped and weird. I did the 'spinning around' thing, and ended up in one of the houses on the street. I tried to summon somebody who I had planned on trying to talk to when I had a LD, but it didn't work. There was no clarity at all, I eventually just woke up.

2. Three nights ago I dreamed that I was in the kitchen and saw a rat run under the computer desk. I got down and picked up the was one of my own pet rats, Piggy! I then realised that she realistically wouldn't be running loose in that room. I did the same RC, and while my fingers were normal at first they eventually began to look unnatural. I did the spin around thing and declared 'clarity now' as some people recommended. I still didn't get any clarity and could not go on any lucid adventures. I decided that in my next LD I would merely observe rather than attempt to take control.

3. Last night I dreamed I was in my car. The dashboard looked like it had some kind of problem with it. I asked my Mum's parter (who was suddenly there) about what was going on. When I looked back, the dashboard was back to normal. I did the same RC again and my ring finger was tiny. As per what I had planned, I just decided to observe. My Mum (who had also suddenly appeared) got out of the car, but after that it all went black.

Any ideas what is going wrong for me? Am I merely dreaming that I am having a LD? I'm taking confidence out of the fact that I am performing a RC when something doesn't feel right and doing things that I had planned from being awake (ie. the spinning thing, deciding to just observe etc) but I'm yet to really experience any awesome adventures, attempting to fly etc. Are these experiences normal?

Thanks heaps for any help :)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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