Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Lucid Dreaming Motivation

Hello :)

I've been really lacking in lucid dreaming motivation lately.

My dream recall has gone down the toilet, and when I can remember a dream in the morning I just can't be bothered to write it down.

It's been like this since I started moving, as seeing my dad again (he was helping us move) combined with constant stress from moving in general seems to have driven all of my enthusiasm for lucid dreaming out of my mind.

I read about other peoples lucid dreams and how cool they are to try to get myself motivated but I just feel down instead because I feel like I'll never achieve this.

I also had no internet for ages so no way to access DreamViews which probably didn't help either :/

I just wanted to know has anybody else experienced this complete lack of motivation and enthusiasm for lucid dreaming? How did you overcome it? Any tips?

Thanks for reading!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://www.dreamviews.com/showthread.php?t=147962&goto=newpost

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