Thursday, November 28, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Love The Journey - Get Results with ANYTHING

My name is Chris, I used to be depressed, lonely, and not do much with my life. I have been inactive on the forum from time to time and well the only reason I am making a thread now is because I still see beginners asking questions and wonder how to start to lucid dream or recall dreams or whatever.

And there is nothing wrong with that, that is what the forum is here for but most importantly it's here for you in order for experienced people to share their knowledge to you. As I said I used to be a nobody, I am a short less than average looking Asian dude but now I am a short Asian dude with an awesome love-life (currently dating a photomodel), self-esteem, good grades, been a Dream Guide and a Moderator (for a short time) on this forum, and last but not least I got lots of experience! :shadewink:

I am not trying to brag, I am just trying to show you that ANYONE can do ANYTHING.

I used to be super shy, not being able to even talk to my best friend without stuttering, had no experience with girls because of that, and I was also really lazy. Lucid dreaming was in fact my escape from life, well that and playing videogames on the computer. :roll:

So what does all this have to do with practising lucid dreaming you ask?

And well my answer to that is: EVERYTHING!

We humans are lazy, we are in fact programmed to be lazy, we don't use more energy than our body think we need to.

So when people finally decide to approach a girl and get rejected, they give up. When people start to workout to gain muscle and it gets a little tough they stop going to the gym. When people don't get a lucid dream the first month or get a dryspell, they stop practising!

And worst of all, when they hit roadblocks they need to protect their self-image so they come up with excuses to WHY they fail:

"Nahh I don't like clubs and club-girls, and I am too short anyway", "Well I guess I just don't got the genes", "Nah the technique didn't work".

I know because I used to fail all the time and make up all kind of different excuses.

But I did something that the average person doesn't do, and that was to not give up.

I approached lots of girls got rejected by hundreds of girls, but small percent that did like gave me confidence to continue.

I kept going to the gym even though I really didn't felt like it and I slowly and steadily got results.

I kept practising lucid dreaming and learning from my misstakes and eventually found what I liked to practise and what gave me result.

And now for the lesson for all beginners out there. For the lazy magic pill minded person three questions probably pop up.

So now with all your experience...

1. What is the best way to get a girl to like you? - What to say? What to wear? What do I do if...

2. What is the best way to gain muscle? - What is the best protein? What exercises should I do? What if...

3. What is the best lucid dreaming technique? - Is WILD or DILD based techniques better? Should I WBTB or not? Can I...

And sure I can give you a short answer of my personal opinion to all of these questions, but the point is it wont help you SH*T!

It's the JOURNEY that makes you successful and also it's the journey that makes it fun!

As my favourite speaker would say "It's not the end-goal that matters, it's the journey. The end-goal is death after all..." - Tyler RSD

So in order to succeed with anything all you need is to take action and never stop. And when it feels like you want to give up:

Listen to this: New Workout Motivation! (Never Give Up!) Body-Building! 2013! - YouTube

So in other words, if you want something and give up, you didn't really want it, you just kind of wanted it.

I realize that all this sounds kind of extreme and that you will need alot of willpower, and that is true. I started out small with all of these things, but I started at all and I never stopped.

We can all be successful!

I hope this was inspiring, I am not claming to know everything, I am just sharing the insights of the latest years of my experience.

The road to success is long, lonely and built on hard work with menial tasks. But it's also fun and empowering! :)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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