Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Am I too tired to induce a lucid dream?

I'm currently trying to get my DILD/MILD techniques working, but I've had no success. Once in awhile before I fall asleep, I'll try to repeat mantras and use a recall scenery for like a few minutes but then I always let my mind foolishly drift away to some other imagination.

Are there some other useful techniques I can use while I drift away to sleep? I just can't start off with any induction techniques that has to do with the process of simply laying still and remaining conscious. I get really nervous about what I'll see and the only way I can easily fall asleep is by watching TV, lol. :cheeky:

Also, if you guys have some other suggestions, that'll be great too. I'm trying figure out why my LD is not kicking in. The only time around this year I was able to become lucid was from a short 15-20 second DILD which was like a couple months ago, but I couldn't even remember what proper training routine I was using around that time.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://www.dreamviews.com/showthread.php?t=147957&goto=newpost

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