Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Waking up too early


I have been trying to lucid dream for over 1 year without much success until last week. The last few days I have had at least 1 lucid dream per night. Also I remember more dreams lately. I have had tons of lucid dreams in the past which didn't last any longer than 10 seconds, so I'm over being too excited when I recognize it's a dream. Yet every time I become lucid, it feels as if I get in a very buzzy vibrative state... I don't know if this is normal? Anyway, I get so overwhelmed by this my dream starts to fade away very quickly. Recently I discovered that by slowly rubbing my hands together clarity returns to the dream scene. I did that yesterday and it worked, however I could not manage to stay in the dream:

In the dream my father was talking about lucid dreaming and telling me how great it was. This made no sense because in real life he is sceptical about its existence. I instantly knew I was in a dream and got the buzzy vibrative state again, but this time I managed to stabalize the dream. My father, however, was not cooperating and trying to stop me from leaving the room!? I mean literally trying to hold me. Therefore I started running to the exit of the building very quickly and when I was outside it felt as if I was running like 100km/h. I felt that I was going to wake up and needed to stabilize the dream again, but I couldn't manage to stop.

So I have two questions:

1. How could you stop moving so fast?

2. How could I have prevented to wake up?

3. Also sometimes I go into another dream scenery and there is no one else but me. How could I, for instance, teleport to my school? I have tried going through doors, but I usually end up somewhere else and dark which causes the dream to fade.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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