Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | "Breaking" through lucid dream/level

Whenever I become lucid LATELY, it is first that I realize I am dreaming, but that doesn't necessarily triggers 'lucidity'.

When this happens I have to really try and make a lot of effort to break through this kind of invisible mental wall to (more?) lucidity. It's a really weird feeling. It's not the same when you are thinking that you are 'possibly' dreaming and doing an RC (Like nose-plugging) and are confirmed that it is a dream and become lucid.

It is like I become lucid (because I fully know that I'm dreaming) but only on a superficial level... On this moment I am not semi-lucid, because I KNOW I'm in a dream and my body is lying in my bed.


1) Realizing I'm in a dream

2) Becoming lucid

3) *This really weird feeling that I could break this kind of mental wall to lucidity to a more physical level. But this is really hard to do. And if I don't do this quick enough I let myself lose lucidity because it is so tiresome. Most of the time everything turns black after this.

I feel like there is an 'extra' layer of lucidity to break. Like when I become lucid i'm on Standby-lucid and for powering ON-lucid I have to really mentally try hard to turn the switch.

In these lucids it is like I have 2 options. Trying really hard and continue being lucid OR the more easy one, just losing lucidity and letting my conscious mind drift away again into non lucidity.

I know this looks a lot like becoming lucid and in the process of the dream end up non lucid again or not having stabilized too much, but the difference with me is that this process happens CONSCIOUSLY*...This is much different if I compare it with my old lucids where I feel that I'm losing control throughout the dream and end up non lucid unconsciously (because I already explored the dream and been lucid for a while)

Maybe this sounds a bit weird or hard to understand, because for me it is also weird and hard to understand why this happens...I just wonder if someone has had the same experience or if anyone has some kind of solution for this...

Thanks for reading in advance :)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://www.dreamviews.com/showthread.php?t=147659&goto=newpost

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