Monday, November 4, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | My main goal is to achieve lucidity. But, I need your help.

Hello everyone,

If you don't want to read my experience, then it's totally understandable. If you're going to help, then it's greatly appreciated.

Recently, for the past 19 days i've been practicing the art of lucid dream. I have not yet reached the stage of being lucid, but I believe that i'm almost there. Lucid dreaming is not new to me. I have done it many times in my life, but unintentionally without having the knowledge. I've been doing everything(or so i think it's everything) that needs to be done in order to achieve lucidity. When I first started, my dream recall wasn't that bad. I could write down half a page, single spaced, 10 font, of my dream was about. The first dream was about 450 words. Yesterday and the past few days have been amazing! I wrote a page and a half single spaced, almost 1500 words! I have been doing my 15+ reality checks a day unintentionally (which is great), and It's starting to become second nature. I dedicate my sleep to the journal. I wake up about three to four times a night by setting an alarm and writing down what I was dreaming about. I have reached the stage where I sometimes wake up before the alarm by 10 min or so! I meditate at least 5 min before bed for inner peace. I think I'm doing all the necessary things, but maybe there is something missing. I assure you, I am not stressing and forcing lucidity. I'm very calm about it, and I go to sleep peacefully. I just say "The next time I am dreaming, I will recognize that I am dreaming." once or twice fully focused, and I drift off to wonderland.

My questions are:

1. What, am I doing wrong?

2. What can I do, to enhance the chance of achieving lucidity?

I want to learn the art of lucid dreaming, simply because of it's astonishing benefits. I truly want to talk to dream characters, and I would like to ask them what do they represent? To truly know what my purpose is.To be a better person. To know who I truly am. The list goes on and on.

Thank you so much for reading this far. It's greatly appreciated.

Sweet dreams.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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