Monday, November 25, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Difficulty Sleeping After WBTB

I've been practicing WBTB for a while now, and it's given me very good results - always a vivid dream or two that I can remember in full. However, I have high difficulty falling asleep after performing a WBTB.

Normally, when I go to bed, it doesn't take that long. Whenever I WBTB, it takes much longer to do such. I only stay up for a WBTB for about 5-10 minutes, then slink back to bed.

I'd rather not stop using WBTB, not after it's given me fantastic results so far. So I ask: What can I do to help me fall back asleep after a WBTB? Should I do somehting different with the time I spend performing the WBTB (When I WBTB, I do all mantras, RCs, and try to visualize a dream before going back to bed)?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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