Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | I'm back to Dreaming/Lucid Dreaming: Wtaching videos and reading etc

I just want to say i love reading and watching videos about lucid dreaming. They're fun and interesting.

I was doing Lucid dreaming and dreaming practice long time ago. i had journaling. and my recall was better and better. i often remembered my dreams.

well i'm back . i gave it for a long time cause i had health problems but i' back and really happy. my dream recall is not great anymore. it's really bad but i'm trying to practice more and more and jouranling etc.

Dreaming and Lucid dreaming is the bestest thing ever!!!! I just want to say that. I watched videos from Laberge and from Robert wagonner.

Interestingly, and sadly there's not many Lucid dreaming videos in youtube. We see more Justing Bieber stuff than anything about Lucid dreaming. Aside from Laberge and Wagonner videos which aren't that many...all there is is some user made videos but very very few.

Anyways, i just want to say i'm happy to do Dreaming and Lucid dreaming practice.

I'm a guy with disabilities and don't really have a social life or friends or girlfriend in real life. But dreaming is a great experience.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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