Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Panhandle Rancher responds…..EDC

Panhandle Rancher responds to comments regarding a Guest Post published here several days ago. The original article can be read HERE.

 – – – Rourke

Every Day Carry, revisited.


Might I have erred by considering the military looking bag carrying male a threat? At least one reader thinks so. We have created a dangerous modern society and I submit there are more assaults, robberies, burglaries, and homicides in areas of high population density, which might explain the many police cars in urban areas.


Reconsider the physically fit, bag carrying male, striding purposefully across the parking lot. What if my daughter and I just saw a police car screech to a stop, man jump out, retrieve a bag from the trunk, and then take off across the parking lot? Should this increase concern? It would have ramped me up to the highest alert. Could we have arrived just after the trunk slammed shut? Of course, there is no way to tell. Was his bag full of weapons? This we will never know but it seemed prudent to judge him by the standard that my bag contained weapons.


Did I interject myself in the bag carrier’s business? No. Did I brandish either of my two firearms? No. All we did were retreat and observe.


My friends, being a survivor of several bad situations taught much. Heads up and on a swivel (like the man in the parking lot) is not a bad way to pass through this life. Ever watch an experienced cop or detective walk into a restaurant? He looks at hands and pays close attention to anyone whose hands he cannot see. Then he looks at faces. Has he arrested anyone in the room before? Does he recognize anyone with an outstanding warrant? Although on low alert, he remains situationally aware.


I had hoped my previous letter would generate comment regarding contents of my bag. EDC bags are bigger than a pocket and smaller than a ruck and in building mine, I was concerned external appearances not scream military or exceedingly high value (although some camera cases are by themselves quite valuable even excluding pricy contents). I wanted it to conceal a large pistol with spare magazines, flashlight, knives, flexicuffs, cordage, a compass and the like. Anyone carrying guns and knives should anticipate trauma. It would be nice to pack a complete blow out kit but that increases bulk so I limited myself in this category to a tactical tourniquet and package of blood clot, trusting my wits and 911 for anything beyond.



Panhandle Rancher



via ModernSurvivalOnline.com http://ift.tt/1IiZD9F

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