Friday, August 7, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Vibrations vs "waves", Sharing my SP observations

Wanted to share my little SP experiment and ask a few questions. I had always experienced vibrations before LD/SP. What I mean by "vibrations" is "high frequency oscillation feeling". Yesterday I decided to have fun between wakefulness and sleep and experiment as I always do. I was in a curious and relaxed state of mind. Instead of strong vibrations, I felt waves. By "waves" I mean "very low frequency oscillation feeling" And discovered that I could control these sensations with my thoughts. I made myself relax more and more and enjoy what's happening as much as possible. Soon, my whole body became "the wave". It can be described as "floating on the sea on a windy day", but a better description would be "being the sea itself on a windy day". I entered SP with ease. For the first time, I enjoyed the "entering part" more than the LD and SP. In the beginning (not dreaming yet, decided to observe SP) I checked my breathing. I must have been taking very slow and shallow breaths, it felt like no breathing was present. So I decided to take a deep breath. I did take a breath but it was not a deep one, I couldn't (why?). Then, I wanted to try to open my eyes for a second and shut them again to see if one can open their eyes during SP. Found out I could open them and shut them (is this possible during SP? any experiences?). The rest is lucid dreaming.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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