Thursday, August 27, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – August 28th, 2015

This week has been a roller coaster ride of stock market turmoil and dangerous news from around the world. So, what has been happening?

– The stock market plummeted early this week after a downward end of last week. Volatility has been the word of the week as the market has had down numbers such as   – 531(Friday), -588, -205 and then rebounded to +619, and +369. What the future holds no one knows but the talk is major swings may become more frequent.

– There has been a surge of terrorist attacks against Israel this past week. Israel believes that these attacks come from the funding Iran has received from the nuclear deal with the United States.

How about this…….National Security Adviser Susan Rice admitted that some of the money due to be released as part of the deal negotiated by the U.S. led P5+1 “would go to the Iranian military and could potentially be used for the kinds of bad behavior that we have seen in the region.”


North Korea is rattling its sabers again. From strange movements of their naval forces to moving short range missiles – North Korea is making some of its most aggressive moves in years.

A reporter and cameraman were killed on live TV as a news story was being reported this week. As it turns out the shooter was a gay, black man who felt he had been discriminated against by the station. Amazingly there have been no calls to ban the rainbow flag and I have not heard of any large groups of white people protesting and rioting in the streets crying racism. There have certainly been a renewed call for more gun control measures.

– Speaking of gun control – the Obama administration is sending officials to Mexico to participate in the UN Arms Trade Treaty conference. Reports are surfacing that the purpose of the attendance is to develop plans on how to institute the requirements of the treaty. Now – the treaty has not been ratified by Congress and it does not circumvent the 2nd Amendment but it may be used to further gun control initiatives.

Florida is bracing for the potential arrival of Erika – currently a tropical storm.

– As my “What in the world?” story – a man in Salt Lake City is the fourth person to die of the plague just this year. Nature can be quite evil……and dangerous.

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If you are looking for a good movie to see this weekend go see No Escape. I saw a special pre-release screener early this week and it rocked! A thriller that will have you at the edge of your seat through 80% of the movie.

Let me know if you see it and what you think. Have a great weekend!!!






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