Tuesday, August 18, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – August 19th, 2015

If you are not familiar with Prepper Press you should be. They are a book publisher putting out some fantastic offerings. One of my favorites is 299 Days. This series was the most realistic depiction of a possible collapse I have ever read.

Prepper Press also publishes numerous non-fiction books including Holding Your Ground, The Homeschooled Shootist, and Without Rule of Law.

Prepper Press is a sponsor of ModernSurvivalOnline and helps keep this place operational.

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Hiccup Update: Should have posted this last week. I appreciate everyone’s remedies and suggestions. I had the hiccups for two days and they just went away on their own. Wierd.

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I had a Ka-Bar Becker BK9 in my hand this past Sunday. Impressive knife. I hardly want to call it a knife. It is a tool. Beefy full tang blade. Carbon steel. I like it. I want it.


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Question for everyone:

Do you have any experiance with Zip Guns from http://ift.tt/1rG6PGV? Pretty neat little guns and inexpensive.


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Survival Fishing Gear: Is fishing gear worthy of inclusion in a survival kit? I am not a very experienced fisherman but do enjoy casting a line once in a while. There have been numerous times I have gone out and came back with nothing. Nada. Zilch. It’s probably just me.  Is fishing a valid source of food in a survival situation? Maybe.  It depends on skill, familiarity with the “fishing hole”, and equipment.

One piece of fishing gear that could prove invaluable is a can of dog food. Punch holes in the can, lower it in the water and watch the fish come to check it out. Some dry dog food can work as well on a hook.





via ModernSurvivalOnline.com http://ift.tt/1KuNKvp

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