Wednesday, August 19, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – August 20th, 2015

This year has gone by so fast. Wow. Seems like just yesterday was it was the Fall of 2014. I am looking forward to the coming Fall weather though. It has been extremely hot here in the South.

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I am really looking forward to the Sun Oven MSO Webinar next week. It is going to be very informative and I hope many of you will be able to join us for the event. I have been using my Sun Oven for the past several weeks and it is an awesome off-grid cook system. It is really worth the investment.

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Favorite Actor: Clint Eastwood

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Please welcome Harvest Right to the MSO family. They just signed up as a site sponsor. If you are not familiar with they are a leading manufacturer of home freeze dryers. I also just received some samples of foods processed using their equipment. I will report back on the taste test.

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I just received word that Brownells is having a huge sale on “Black Rifles”. Click on the banner below for more information. Ends the 23rd.

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Hey – I am going to have several giveaways upcoming. How to enter? Don’t know. It will be simple. Stay tuned.

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Been looking at building an EDC kit similar to what is in the picture below. Click on it to enlarge. Lots of items and very diversified. My own EDC “stuff” is primarily kept in my Jeep and a small compartment in the back. I don’t go anywhere without the Jeep. On my person I keep just a few basic items such as keys, pocket knife, wallet, and pistol.





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