Sunday, August 23, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – August 24th, 2015

Late last week a mistrial occurred in the case of a white Charlotte, NC police officer being charged with the wrongful shooting death of an unarmed black man. There was a video showing the man running towards the officer and then a few seconds later you hear 4 shots – a pause – and then additional shots. The unarmed man was shot a total of 10 times.

I have read about the case and watched the video several times. I am not privy to all of the testimony and evidence. From everything I saw I can understand why the jury could not make a decision. I am not going to hash over this specific case but what I do want to bring up is the reaction to the declaration of the mistrial.

Friday evening after the announcement people started gathering in downtown Charlotte. Just like in other cities across the country such as Ferguson protests started. The protesters carried signs, yelled, and chanted. Here is what was disturbing – they acted like a bunch of ignorant buffoons. The vast majority of them were black which was not surprising. Pants hanging down exposing their underwear. Many were shirtless. Many actually placed bandanas around their face which formed a mask.

Many were peaceful and did not cause problems. Others got up in the faces of the large police response force. This was just outside the Charlotte Knights baseball stadium. I was watching all of this unfold on TV. There were scenes of protesters beating on the gates screaming “We are coming in there!!!” As soon as everything started stadium was locked down and the game continued. Numerous protestors laid in the middle of the road holding up traffic. I saw several instances where scuffles broke out between officers and the protesters when the protests became very aggressive towards the officers. The CHarlotte PD showed incredible restraint. Too much in my opinion.


Now this was nothing near the severity of Ferguson however here is a little insight to the issue and maybe some advice should you find yourself in the middle of it all:

My wife was in the ballpark while all this was going on just outside.

She was working in concessions and texting me every so often. She said at one point there was a group of men banging and pulling on the fencing just behind where she was at screaming and yelling. She was scared. As stated the park was locked down – no one was allowed in nor allowed to leave.

I texted her as the game was getting ready to end:

From what I have seen on the news the protestors are not being violent. When you leave do NOT look at anyone, make any faces like shaking your head. Do not talk to anyone or engage in any conversations.”

She left and made it home OK.

I get protesting. Absolutely – in fact I have thought of trying to organize protests against Planned Parenthood locally. The issue I have are these assclowns taking it out on other people. Innocent people. Well – in this case often if you were white or a cop you are guilty.

Be safe out there folks.








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