Wednesday, August 12, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – August 13th, 2015

There continues to be a lot of chatter of a pending financial crisis coming – soon. Talking with a lot of “non-preppers” it seems like this feeling of an impending crisis is spreading.

A friend of mine just found out his father-in-law recently got his CWP. Why? Worried about the times that lay ahead. His brother-in-law just acknowledged that he started storing away extra food. I recently started  a preparedness “Meet Up” group via and had a few people come to the first meeting that have no idea what to do when it comes to preparedness. They see what is happening in the world and feel like something is coming.

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I want to see more specifics from the Trump camp. I still believe he is not electable. He says to many nutty things and is so unlike any other candidate before him. He also says a lot of things that resonate with the frustrated American populace. Me? It is too early and I have a lot of questions regarding he stance on issues. I still like Ben Carson and Ted Cruz. Hell – there are several great candidates and I just hope one of them makes it to run against Hillary.

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There is nothing happening in Ferguson that an Apache 64 helicopter won’t fix.

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Been a while since  posted up any pictures of my dogs – Jake and Bella. Love these husky’s!! Awesome dogs and are part of the family.


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This is insane. I have had hiccups for two days. They will briefly go away and then return shortly later. It is driving me crazy. Tried all the typical remedy’s…..nothing.


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