Tuesday, August 11, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – August 12th, 2015

My cruise to the Bahamas last week was awesome. I traveled from South Carolina for a Monday departure. We boarded on Monday and we headed out sailing overnight to arrive in CoCo Cay Tuesday morning at 7:00am. Weather was beautiful running around 90 degrees with clear blue skies.

Spent the morning and early afternoon on the beach and snorkeling in the crystal clear water. We saw tons of tropical fish. Just incredible.  We boarded the ship in time for dinner and then spent the evening poolside at one of the ships bars. Bartender “Paul” was fantastic.

Wednesday morning we arrive in Nassau. Spent a few hours walking the streets going into different shops. Spent a couple hours at The Tiki Bikini Hut which was right on the beach. Overall – not real impressed with Nassau.  Reminded me of going to a typical commercialized beach cities like Myrtle Beach. Like I said we only spent a few hours off the boat and then boarded the ship to enjoy the many offerings available(had to go see Paul at the bar).

Thursday spent the day sailing back to Florida and arrived at 7:00am Friday.

The cruise line we went on was Royal Caribbean. Service was fantastic. Food was exceptional. Went to a couple of the shows that the ship puts on and was really impressed. They has musicals, comedy shows, and even an awesome ventriloquist.

Had no issues with getting seasick. Hardly ever felt the boat moved and cabin was in the lower center of the ship which minimized movement.

If you have never been on a cruise I highly recommend it. I am planning another one in January.

I will tell you this – I had no cell phone service and no connection to the outside world. I half expected to return to Florida to find the country populated with zombies. I heard no news and recieved no email. It was very relaxing and helped put many things in perspective.

Can’t wait for my next one.

Here are some pics from the cruise:




via ModernSurvivalOnline.com http://ift.tt/1DI4wdR

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