Thursday, August 6, 2015

April 13th, 2029

I recently found out that on Friday April 13, 2029 an asteroid will come very, very close to Earth. So close in fact that it will pass between the Earth and many satellite orbits. In much of the research that I have read – scientists state that the asteroid will come close – but will not come in contact with the planet. I hope they are right – although in the back of my mind I wonder if there is a chance that the orbit may be effected and changed prior to its final approach. Should the asteroid come in contact with Earth – it will be a catastrophic disaster the likes of which modern man has not seen.

Here is a picture of the calculated path of travel for the asteroid:


So – how big is this asteroid? Research indicates it is approx. 400 meters across. The odds of the asteroid impacting Earth – according to NASA – is 1 in 300. When I read that – “1 in 300″ – I was shocked. I have to be honest – that is scary. Imagine having a gun that has a cylinder that holds 300 rounds – and you have to load one bullet in it, spin the cylinder, then put the gun to your head and pull the trigger. That would be very scary.

For more info follow the article link below:

Take care –



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