Sunday, August 9, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Is Lucidity Dependent on Control Given to Dream Characaters?

I want to hypothesise that if we give control to Dream Characters we do not have Lucidity.

I was trying to find out who was controlling my dreams and which dream character had the control. I instantly realised that it was me. If I have lucidity then the dream no longer controls me. If I don't have lucidity then the dream controls me and is often stressful. I think there is a Dream Character behind all this the one who controls the dream but that dream character is actually me of course. I have had this problem in real life blaming other people etc and this does not help me to be free or enjoy real life.

So to summarise there is no one controlling me in my dream I am my own boss and I am my own boss in every dream using this reasoning.

P.S. So Dream Characters think they are real but they are not so it must be possible to help them to see that they are in a dream too by having fun etc.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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