Monday, August 17, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – August 18th, 2015

A buddy of mine was talking about current events and how it seems like the “zombie apocalypse” is coming. He was not aware of my interest in preparedness. I mentioned to him about the Meet Up group I attend every month and he was interested. He asked a lot of questions and we had a good conversation. He may attend my next Meet Up event.

The questions asked were the typical ones……

What are you preparing for?

Do you store extra food? What kind?

What about water?

What do you do about power? Generator?

Do you have an evacuation plan or someplace to go?


I find it difficult when talking to a newbie to contain myself. What I mean is I tend to talk “too big” about my suggested reps. The problem is if I sit there and tell them to store away 3 months of food they will think I am nuts. So – I talk about the issues with Just In Time delivery systems and recommend putting back an extra week or two of food.

I use the example of going camping. I say, “Hey, think about what you would take on a camping trip for a week and make sure you have that stuff stored away. Flashlights, candles, food, water, sanitation.” Usually the response is pretty positive and “Man, that makes a lot of sense.”

A lot of people are waking up. Preparedness is not overly complicated and it’s not rocket science. Beyond normal crisis events like hurricanes, power outages and job loss there are some treacherous times approaching. I can feel it in my bones and I really hope that it’s just aging I am feeling.

Take care all –





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