Friday, August 7, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | The missing step to All Day Awareness? / Living All Day Awareness

Hello my fellow lucid dreamers and those, who have yet to achieve one!
My story of me ending up here again is kind of complicated and has to do with drugs. If you are not interested, skip this paragraph please :)
This is not my first try on achieving awareness in dreams, but never have I felt so motivated and near my goal than now.
I had a long break from lucid dreaming, in which mostly my ignorant and careless adolescence decided how my day went by. I started experimenting with weed, which of course totally killed my dreams. Then weed became dull and at the same time I was discovering the magic of psilocybin containing mushrooms, which opened me spiritually to many things I could manifest in my life, which now contribute to my overall happiness. It's not all just tripping, seeing funny textures and colors, you also have a lot of introspection and insight. This is NOT a recommendation, I have seen friends of mine not being able to deal with what they saw and not gaining a lot of insight. Through the intoxication of magic mushrooms which comes close to a kind of "enlightenment", I learned to embrace the moment first hand for example, recognizing that this moment is all that we have ultimately. In this time, I read books about this concept by Eckhart Tolle (The Power of Now) and Adyashanti (The End of Your World) which both turned my life upside down in a good way, integrating things I've learned on my numerous trips took place on a whole new level. I started meditating and stopped doing drugs altogether. Here I am now, living in the moment, full of joy, free of drugs. I hope there is no false judgement and prejudice from your side as I will contribute to the community again.

What came to my mind was, that when I walk on this path, I should include the practice of lucid dreaming. Soon I began to furiously write down my dreams again, I remember around 2-3 dreams a night now in such detail that dreaming has become a whole new meaning for me. Without really noticing, I practiced ADA all day long without a problem. There is more conciousness and awareness in may day than unconciousness. I try to feel every movement I make, every breathe I do, every thought and emotion that arises, analyzing it, letting it be, but examining my reality at the same time. I try to take in as much information as possible from my surroundings, and I feel like there is no turning back to the normal mode of thinking and participating in the day mindlessly. Through that, my dreams have become many more and rich of details, which is good by itself, but there is the missing gap that allows my awareness to float over to my dreaming. I had moments where I was close, but the awareness quickly faded.
How was your success and progress with practicing awareness and dreaming? Do you have any tips, any suggestions?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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