Tuesday, June 30, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – July 1st, 2015

Greece’s unemployment rate sits at over 25%. This is just one indication of a country run by Socialists where the vast majority of citizens actually work for the government. Greece has not made their scheduled $1.8 billion dollar loan payment to the I.M.F. however there is still a possibility that they will make a deal with their creditors. I

In July Greece has another scheduled payment due. This one is to the European Central Bank to the tune of $3.5 billion dollars. All indications are unless they can receive another European bailout the dominoes are going to start falling even faster.

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Don’t you just love it when someone needs something from you it is “right now”, right away” and “ASAP” but when you need something it’s like pulling teeth.

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I am in the middle of test the Olight S80 Flashlight. This thing ROCKS!!! Review coming next week.

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Anyone have any experience with night vision goggles such as these Yukon NV 1 x 24 units or something similar. I understand they are Gen 1 and someone else with night vision can see the illuminator.

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Hope you get a kick out of this……



via ModernSurvivalOnline.com http://ift.tt/1JrjqE3

Book Review: BUG OUT by Scott Williams

Scott Williams book BUG OUT – The Complete Guide for Escaping a Catastrophic Disaster Before It’s Too Late has been on my nightstand for quite some time. A review is long over due.


 Bugging out is not a major aspect of my preparedness system however this book has certainly provided some perspective. “Bugging in” should the SHTF is my main plan. BUG OUT really opened my eyes. I have realized that I have to consider the possibility that it may be necessary to relocate in the event of a crisis situation – and it is not just a matter of jumping in my 4×4 with the wife and kids and head’n down the road. Bugging out requires planning and research.

When I started reading the book Williams tries to break the the myths of bugging out in Chapter 1 – The Fantasy & the Reality of Living Off the Land. He makes a valid point discussing that it took a very long time for humans to go from living in the stone age to what is considered living civilized today. He suggests that it will not  be very easy for people to just “head for the hills” and return to a more primitive lifestyle. Over the years skills and knowledge to exist successfully in the wilderness has been lost by most. Williams expresses the need to educate yourself and be properly prepared to successfully “Bug Out”.

Chapter 2 – The Bug-Out Bag & Stuff You’ll Need to Survive does an excellent job educating the reader in what a bug out bag is as well as putting one together. Williams discusses topics from the different types of bags to consider, clothing needs, to specific tools that are useful in a bug out situation.


Other chapters include information on transportation methods, bug out location selection, making caches, and there’s a helpful checklist for putting together a bug out bag.

What is very impressive is this book provides detailed information on many of the best “Bug Out” areas in the United States.

Overall – I found this book a great read and very educational. As stated at the beginning – bugging out has not been a major component of my preparedness system. The author did a very good job opening my eyes to the possibilities of bugging out.

Right at $15.00 and Free Shipping (with orders totaling $35.00) from Amazon.com – it is a very good value.

By the way – the author Scott Williams has a great blog called BugOutSurvival.com. I also interviewed Scott  awhile back – see it here.




via ModernSurvivalOnline.com http://ift.tt/1eZacEZ

Chess Puzzle | 6/30/2015 - Anatoly Karpov - Piotr Mickiewicz, Koszalin (Simu

via Chess.com - Play. Learn. Share. http://ift.tt/1ROPbsz

Monday, June 29, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – June 30th, 2015


I have put this out there before and made some contacts: If you are in the York County, SC area and interested in joining a MAG send me an email. A local group there is looking for potential members. emergencycd(at)gmail(dot)com

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Yesterday Glenn Beck commented on the situation in Greece. Listen to it below. Very interesting. About 8 minutes:

Beck Blitz Greece economy

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I finished the book series 299 Days(Book Nine) and have to admit it was emotional to have such a wonderful story come to an end.

“I Miss America”

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My brother recommend “The Last Alaskans” TV show couple days ago. Really good. So envious of the life many of these people are leading. Watched the first three episodes so far. What beautiful country in Alaska.

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Coldest temperature I have ever been in….. -13 degrees F. I would welcome some of that cold right now to take away some of this heat.

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Did you hear about NASA cutting live feed from the Space Station as three UFO’s come into view? Really, not kidding. Watch the video for yourself. Pretty interesting. Now alien invasion is added to the list of things to prepare for.

Gotta find me a Phaser.











via ModernSurvivalOnline.com http://ift.tt/1HuSeqv

Video of the Week: How To Set Up Your Plate Carrier


YouTube is an absolutely incredible source of information on almost anything you can think of. Every week we feature a new video related to a variety of topics such as firearms, first aid, gardening, security, food storage, water filtration….and current events. 

For those of us who have plate carriers the decision on exactly how to set it up can create sleepness nights and fights with the spouse. The following video provides one perspective.





via ModernSurvivalOnline.com http://ift.tt/1II9sLF

Lucid Dreaming | Recording A Mantra And Playing it As You Fall Asleep?

Has anyone done this? How did it work out?
I could also say things like "Aware" Or "Lucid"
To help bring my mind back to awareness everytime i fall asleep.
Who knows? Maybe this could work as an Anchor for WILD :lol:

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/1LRDkbs

Lucid Dreaming | Can anyone explain to me how being Aware in waking life will make me Lucid in my dreams?

Like i know being aware in waking life will transfer to my dreams, therefore my Lucid. I got that part down lol
Just its this that confuses me:
What will make me 'know' im dreaming and not think that i am just being aware in waking life rather then being Lucid in a dream?
Hope i didn't confuse you with this question haha

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/1C31iRe

Lucid Dreaming | Am i being aware correctly?

I am practicing my awareness by
-Paying attention to everything thats going on around me (except for my breathing, i feel that would drive me nuts. Maybe when i'm better at being aware in the future haha
-Keeping the thought that i could be "dreaming" at any given moment in my mind
- Day dreaming, and getting "lucid" in said day dream
-Meditating ( i use Guided Meditation videos on Youtube)
And lastly
-Living life as if i were lucid dreaming 24/7. I know that i am dreaming basically, all day, all night. And take each day as if it were another dream. ( i am not all that sure if this one is good, but i find that it's very easy for me to stay aware of everything and observe my surroundings this way.)
- Also whenever i find myself "un-aware" i make myself aware again my initiating a Reality check, and going back to being aware with one or more of the methods noted above.

That's basically what i have been practicing for my awareness lately (: hope it's good enough to get me DILD's eventually.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/1R06RX6

Easy Way To Listen To Cube Sats

[Bill Meara] has discovered an easy way to listen to amateur “cube-sat” satellites using a cheap SDR Dongle.

The DVB-T SDR Dongle comes in at a whopping thirteen bucks, and the highly sophisticated antenna (pdf) is made from a bit of copper wire and uses aluminum wire for the ground plane.

Once he had everything hooked up, [Bill] went to the Heavens Above website to see when satellites would be passing over him. He was able to lock onto the Prism Satellite, and then a couple other cube-sats that were launched from Russia and Istanbul.

While listening to the Japanese FO-29 satellite at 470 MHz, the Doppler Shift was noticeable ,verifying that he was indeed tuned in to a device in low Earth orbit. Be sure to check out his blog for more details, not to mention the video below where you can hear the Doppler Shift for yourself.

Filed under: radio hacks

via Hackaday » radio hacks http://ift.tt/1HroV8j

Chess Puzzle | 6/29/2015 - Mate in 2

via Chess.com - Play. Learn. Share. http://ift.tt/1KpdI8J

Sunday, June 28, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – June 29th, 2015

Just a reminder: Several weeks ago something happened and many of the first 2 years of published posts disappeared. I ended up finding them. Rather than republishing them all at once I sometimes pick one here and there and bring it back to current. If you see something and it looks familiar – this might be the reason.

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There are a series of buttons at the bottom of each post under the words “Share this:”. These have been there for a while and is a great way to share posts to others on Facebook, Twitter, etc. I just added a “Print” button which should help facilitate storing information for future reference you may find valuable.

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GotPepperSpray.com has a special coupon code only for ModernSurvivalOnline.com readers to get an additional 10% off all orders. At checkout just enter “MODERN” in the appropriate area. GotPepperSparay.com is an official sponsor of this website and I am glad to have them on board.

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The situation in Greece is not getting any better and it appear that default is going to occur. Banks are closed and limits are being placed on withdrawals. The effect on Europe’s economy and that of the United States is not known yet.

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Hope everyone has a good start to the week.



via ModernSurvivalOnline.com http://ift.tt/1ImFIrS

I can see it coming…..


I can see it.

I can see the countless stories of kids lemonade stands being shut down due to local governments requiring permits. I can see towns fining people who back into their driveways rather than pull in to expose their license plate. Of course the town officials must make sure that all vehicles are registered and not left just sitting in the home owners driveway.

I can see tax bills arriving to the “owner” of every single piece of property  across the nation. If the taxes are not paid – regardless of the amount – the property will be taken by the government which sent the bill. I can see people getting fired from their jobs for exercising their 1st Amendment rights due to “political correctness”. Recently a police officer was fired for wearing underwear displaying the Confederate flag.

I can see Chaplains in the military losing their careers for refusing to carry out same-sex marriages which is against their religious beliefs. I can see a nation celebrating the “courage” of a sports legend changing his gender meanwhile soldiers missing limbs from IED’s not only survive but thrive to compete in extreme sports competitions.

I can see a school in North Carolina who forced a student to remove the word “God” from a poem she wrote. I can see schools who allow teachers to form groups of black-only students whereby white-only groups are disallowed.

I can see an invasion of this country being carried out with little being done about it. Both sides in Congress state they want to stop illegal immigration yet nothing is done and the invasion continues.



Sheeple is a term used to liken people to sheep, a herd animal. The term is used to describe those who voluntarily acquiesce to a suggestion without critical thinking or analysis.   They undermine their own individuality and may willingly give up their rights.



I can see a teacher in New Jersey getting fired for giving a student a bible as the student did not have one…..and wanted one. I can see an evil, pathetic white person killing 9 black people in a church and pictures of him are seen holding a Confederate flag. I can see the Confederate flag being banned and ridiculed more than the person who committed the awful crime. I can see stores banning the selling of the historic Confederate flag while they continue to sell items(Nazi flags) that are offensive to many.

I can see a country where bills are passed in Congress before they are even capable of being read. I can see a country in which the Congressional representatives represent special interests and corporations rather than the people which elect them.

I can see volunteer Chaplains at a police department in Charlotte, NC being told the word “Jesus” is banned from their speech while on government property. I can see a Federal government who is not allowed to link Islam with terrorism due to the love the President has of Islam.

I can see a country which the White House is lit up with the colors of the rainbow after the Supreme Court decides that same sex marriage is legal in all 50 states. I can see a White House that was neither lit up with the colors of the American flag nor sent any representatives to the funeral of hero Chris Kyle.

I can see banners and clothing that states “Black Power” however if you criticize that clothing you are called a racist. I can see a country in which a group of students at a college are told to “move along” by security after passing out copies of the Constitution……on Constitution Day.

I can see a country where a cloud of false and biased informed travel across its shores daily via the Liberal mainstream media. I can see a country where the Sheeple believe most anything they are told via the Internet, radio, or TV media – and have no rationale as to the possibility that the truth may be something quite different.

I can see a country where it’s more and more obvious that neither political party offers real solutions and Liberty has become obsolete – and undervalued.



1. the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one’s way of life, behavior, or political views.


Folks – a line has been crossed. We have reached the precipice. The attack on Liberty and those who believe in the Constitution and what the Founding Fathers started over 230 years ago is well under way. Our way of life is changing and not for the better. Government is overspending by trillions of dollars putting us all in debt as well as our children, grandchildren, and even our great grandchildren. Our government sends millions and millions of dollars overseas to countries that hate us and then continues to overtax Americans here.

Let me make this simple:

It’s “WE THE PEOPLE”. WE are this country – not the politicians or the government. They are supposed to work for us and not rule over us. They are supposed to follow the Constitution – not trample over it.

Freedom is slipping away from us but let me say this – WE are strong. When I say “WE?” I am referring to Patriots – people that love freedom and believe in Liberty. We may have our differences but I firmly believe that when it comes down to it Patriots will band together to defend the Constitution and fight against those who are destroying this country.

I have said it before and do not have all the answers but those of us who are like-minded and are preparing for what is coming need to network. When the collapse starts we need to be there for eachother.

So – I can see difficult times ahead. Times which may pit American against American as sides are chosen. One side you have the Patriots which believe in Liberty, freedom, and individual responsibility – while on the other side you have those who believe that government is required to provide equality to all and it is the duty of government to make certain that no one is in need. I hope it can be avoided and representatives will be elected to make the hard decisions required to get us on the track to being great again.

What can you see?













via ModernSurvivalOnline.com http://ift.tt/1g0qFJk

Lucid Dreaming | How to be Self-aware and fall asleep at the same time?

I've often noticed that being safe aware while falling asleep usually keeps me awake waayy longer then usual. Any tips to fix this?
I'd take so melatonin but i don't want it to affect my chances with WILD a few hours later. Considering melatonin suppresses dreams, what if i don't havw a dream to go into?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/1CCI5QW

Lucid Dreaming | Is anyone here able to induce WILD's successfully at will? :P

I'm practcing my wild'ing skills and my goal is to be able to do them at will whenever i want. Is anyone here already able to do this?
Do you prefer wild or dild better?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/1KiHv1d

Why do I Prepare…….. by Blueridgeprepper1

This post originally appeared HERE on MSO.

Have you ever thought to yourself, “This country has lost its moral core”?  Do you believe that because of liberal influences and a misguided Supreme Court we now live in a country that has Freedom FROM Religion, rather than Freedom OF Religion?  If so, you are not alone.  For many years I have noticed the decay of our society.  Many in our nation no longer believe that you need only to apply yourself to succeed.  They believe that the little man just can’t get ahead.  The “rich” are keeping them down.  The “rich” are to blame.  THE RICH OWE ME!  They have forgotten the biblical principles that our founders held dear.  Indeed we now live in a nation which our current President has declared “ . . .is no longer a Christian nation”.



So what does this have to do with why I prepare?  Because I believe, as did our first president, that “we ought to be no less persuaded that the propitious smiles of Heaven, can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right, which Heaven itself has ordained”.  George Washington wrote these words in his first inaugural address.  (http://ift.tt/1koEtJy) Those who study history understand that he did indeed write these words.  His inaugural address was never delivered as a speech, but rather published so that citizens across our nation could, in a time when the immediacy of television did not exist, know the mind of our President.  How different is this from the attitude of President Obama.  George Washington’s first inaugural address gave praise “to that Almighty Being who rules over the Universe, who presides in the Councils of Nations, and whose providential aids can supply every human defect”.  How far we have fallen?   Where once we were a nation whose President believed that “No People can be bound to acknowledge and adore the invisible hand, which conducts the Affairs of men more than the People of the United States.”, we are now a nation who’s President has proclaimed that “American is no longer a Christian nation”.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmC3IevZiik



So again, what does this have to do with why I prepare?  I prepare because I believe that those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it.  I prepare because I believe that “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, (2 Timothy 3:16 ESV).  The Old Testament, being not only the word of God, but also the history of his chosen people, records numerous times that God allowed the people of Israel to be placed in bondage to others.  In each case they had turned from God and begun to worship other “gods” and idols.  If we believe, as did George Washington, that God smiled upon this nation, a nation founded upon Christian ideals, by those seeking the freedom to worship God, then we should be fearful that we too can be struck down as a nation.  As a nation we have removed God from our schools and our public places.  As a nation we embrace “Choice” over the sanctity of the lives of our unborn children.  Psalm 127:3 tells us “Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward.”  Yet, many sacrifice this reward from God on the altar of “Choice”.  They view this reward as burden that must be removed.



Recently I read the book The Harbinger.  Through a narrative style the author lays out strong parallels between the prophecies of Isaiah and modern day events.  He describes how God sent warnings to his people in an attempt to get them to turn back to faith in God.  They did not heed these warnings and once again God allowed Israel to be conquered.  It crystallized for me my concerns over the moral decline of our nation.   So why do I prepare?  I prepare, because in a nation that no longer loves God and fears his wrath, I still do.




                Go to the ant, O sluggard;

                                consider her ways, and be wise.

                Without having any chief,

                                officer, or ruler,

                she prepares her bread in summer

                                and gathers her food in harvest.

                How long will you lie there, O sluggard?

                                When will you arise from your sleep?

                A little sleep, a little slumber,

                                a little folding of the hands to rest,

                and poverty will come upon you like a robber,

                                and want like an armed man.

(Proverbs 6:6-11 ESV)

via ModernSurvivalOnline.com http://ift.tt/1IDpVRc

Chess Puzzle | 6/28/2015 - W.Schmidt - H.Liebert, Polanica Zdroj, 1967

via Chess.com - Play. Learn. Share. http://ift.tt/1JfjLcS

Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Alexanderson Transmitter: Very-low Frequency Radio Rides Again!

Is your ham radio rig made of iron and steel? Is it mechanically driven? Classified as a World Heritage Site? We didn’t think so. But if you’d like to tune in one that is, or if you’re just a ham radio geek in need of a bizarre challenge, don’t miss Alexanderson Day 2015 tomorrow, Sunday, June 28th

The Alexanderson Transmitter design dates back to around 1910, before any of the newfangled tube technology had been invented. Weighing in at around 50 tons, the monster powering the Varberg Radio Station is essentially a high-speed alternator — a generator that puts out 17.2 kHz instead of the 50-60 Hz  that the electric companies give us today.

Most of the challenge in receiving the Alexanderson transmitter broadcasts are due to this very low broadcast frequency; your antenna is not long enough. If you’re in Europe, it’s a lot easier because the station, SAQ, is located in Sweden. But given that the original purpose of these behemoths was transcontinental Morse code transmission, it only seems sporting to try to pick it up in the USA. East Coasters are well situated to give it a shot.

And of course, there’s an app for that. The original SAQrx VLF Receiver and the extended version both use your computer’s sound card and FFTs to extract the probably weak signal from the noise.

We scouted around the net for an antenna design and didn’t come up with anything more concrete than “few hundred turns of wire in a coil” plugged into the mic input.  If anyone has an optimized antenna design for this frequency, post up in the comments?

Thanks [Martin] for the tip!

Filed under: radio hacks

via Hackaday » radio hacks http://ift.tt/1GCGTPk

Chess Puzzle | 6/27/2015 - M.Tal - R.Dzidzichashvili, 1991

via Chess.com - Play. Learn. Share. http://ift.tt/1GD6Du2

Friday, June 26, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Being Moved While Attempting WILD? is this SP?

Occasionally when i attempt WILD, ill get super relaxed and out of no where start feeling like something is pushing me off the bed or moving me, it feels quite real actually and i never know what to do at that point
If i become to aware of it, ill ruin my WILD but its pretty much impossible to "fall asleep" like that and it seems to last forever.
It sometimes feels as if some invisible being is sitting on my chest, weighing me down and causing me to move.

I believe this is the only thing keeping me from being success at WILD'ing. Any tips about this? Was this sleep paralysis?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/1BRDv6D

Chess Puzzle | 6/26/2015 - Nonchalant Tactics

via Chess.com - Play. Learn. Share. http://ift.tt/1Cy2kPZ

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Watch this…….something to consider

This video shows what the first 12 hours of a US Dollar collapse might look like.

Let’s hope not!!


via ModernSurvivalOnline.com http://ift.tt/1QSqHUh

From the Desk of John Rourke – June 26th, 2015

My nephew just picked up an AR. Even better is he is asking about training – which I am very happy about. Far too often a checkmark is placed in the box next to “defense” just because a firearm is bought. I have made a lot of strides in my ability to put rounds down range, moving, reloading, etc – but have a long ways to go.

Hopefully my nephew and I will get a chance to do some training together as well as attend a local class or two.

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Baring any unforseen circumstances I will be testing for my ham license on August 15th. Long overdue. Hoping the rest of the guys The Group can do the same.

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Anyone out there know the best way to buy Epipens if you do not have insurance? We have a reader out there in a situation and needs some help. I have seen the “Get free Epipens” stories however you have to have insurance. This readers does not.

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I have been watching Season 4 of Mountain Men. Pretty entertaining show. Some of the scenes appear to be a bit staged but overall enjoy the show.

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The is no “Friday Steals and Deals” this week – just been too busy however I will mention a couple things:

  • Gearbest.com has the Nitecore EC4 at a special price. The normal selling price is $64.95.  Special sale price? I actually am not allowed to publish it. Enter promo code: “NitecoreEC4″ and the price is severely reduce and includes Free Shipping.  I may order one to add to my collection. What a great light.
  • If you have an AR and want a great way to store your magazines-  check THIS out. Mag Storage Solutions has created a wall mounted storage unit holding 10 magazines. I have two of them – awesome.


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Hope everyone has a great weekend. Stay safe out there.



via ModernSurvivalOnline.com http://ift.tt/1djGAAw

Chess Puzzle | 6/25/2015 - Being a Team Player

via Chess.com - Play. Learn. Share. http://ift.tt/1fDIC0a

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – June 25th, 2015

A new video has been added to the Patriots membership area. I have several more planned as well as additional articles and downloads. I am also negotiating with a few more online vendors for more discounts.

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Just ordered a 2-meter J-pole antenna for ham radio use. Thing gets great reviews on YouTube and I am looking forward to setting it up.

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The town I live in is now at a Level 1 drought. No mandatory restrictions as of yet. Glad I added another rain barrel for my garden…….


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This heat has been zapping my energy for workouts. Like most Crossfit facilities mine has no air conditioning so when it is 100 out it is around 93 inside. Exercising in that heat makes warming up pretty easy but extended workouts are a struggle.

Something to consider if the SHTF and tasks such as patrolling, scavenging, weeding, gardening, digging, building, etc. need to be done. Hydration is incredibly important and not with just water. Replacing electrolytes can be done by pouring replenishment packets into water. Good idea to add a couple in your pack.

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This onslaught of political correctness is getting ridiculous. It started with removal of the Confederate flag, now it is getting rid of historic statues, changing the names of schools, and changing school mascots. I have no connection with the flag so I really could care less except for the fact that all this effort is being directed at the wrong thing for the wrong reason. That evil man killed 9 people in a church. Lets put the responsibility where it lies.

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The United Kingdom continues to implode as socialism shows how its policies and practices effect a nation. Pretty sad.




via ModernSurvivalOnline.com http://ift.tt/1QQXBV6

7 Essentials During a Power Outage

by Lee Flynn

The grid disruption database from Inside Energy compiled their data and found an average of 200 reported grid outages per year from 2010 to 2013. This numbers continues to increase. There is not always an impending storm or a sudden natural disaster to warn that a power outage may be in the future. Therefore, it is essential that everyone be, at least minimally, prepared for the loss of power before it happens, understanding that it could last for an extended period of time. The following items are crucial in the event of a long-term power outage. 

Alternate Power Sources 
Option #1 – Of course, the first thought for this is a generator. There are many types and sizes of generators available today. Finding one that suits an individual’s or a family’s need is not difficult. However, they can be costly depending on the type, size, brand and model. 
Option #2 – Other options are wind, water or solar power sources. Many options exist in these areas for homes in order to help supplement the expense of energy to the home. These can not only be used during the power outage but, with the right set up, they can be used to store energy until it’s needed for an outage as well. 

Alternate Light Sources 
Option #1 – Candles are great because it is really only necessary to light one and, as long as it stays lit, use it to light others. However, in damper conditions it may be difficult to keep the flame going or to relight a candle that goes out. 
Option #2 – Electrically powered lights, such as lanterns and flashlights are also a good option. It is recommended to have lithium batteries on hand as they last longer than the standard type. 
Option #3 – Crank or shake powered flashlights are effective and do not need batteries. The drawback is that these can wear out after some use, especially the less expensive, lower quality brands. 
Option #4 – Solar powered light sources are great for at night because they can typically, weather permitting, charge all day and last for several hours. 

Food and Alternate Food Storage 
Option #1 – While the currently preferred option is to connect the refrigerator and freezer in the home to a generator, it is not likely to be a viable option once the power goes out. Instead use a cooler full of ice and ice packs (or frozen bottles of water). This can keep food well enough to sustain a family for several days. 
Option #2 – In the event of a major disaster, when power and cooling apparatuses are not available, be prepared with dry emergency food that is well-sealed and stored in cans, jars, or other food storage containers. 


Option #1 – It is critical to have clean drinking water, such as a stock of bottled water, on hand. 
Option #2 – It will also be important to have a way of gathering, sterilizing and storing water. 

Option #1 – Warm clothing and blankets are important to have handy, especially in colder climates. 
Option #2 – Having a place, and the means, to build a fire in the home is a plus. 
Option #3 – Having gas or oil powered space heaters during a power outage can be beneficial but also risky. 

Means of Communication 
Option #1 – For one way communication in, a hand-crank or solar powered radio is recommended. 
Option #2 – For two-way communication, consider investing in a CB or short-wave radio. Many truckers and law enforcement, as well as some hobbyists monitor these airwaves. 

Means of Sanity 
Option #1 – Security! It does no good to prepare for survival if there is no way of being safe and secure. 
Option #2 – Entertainment! We live in a world that is a constant barrage of information and entertainment. Have books, games and playing cards on hand to stave off the boredom. 

Being prepared ahead of time will save a lot of stress and grief and struggle when a power outage happens. Always be sure to plan ahead and have the necessary supplies easily accessible in case of an emergency.


via ModernSurvivalOnline.com http://ift.tt/1dha566

I Was Born Into The Cold War……

In case you missed it – this post was originally published HERE on ModernSurvivalOnline.com.


by Guy Spotts


I was born into the cold war between the United States and the old Soviet Union, my parents had grown up in the great depression. I don’t remember if it was the Cuban Missile Crisis or if it was before then when my father started to prep but with a weekly pay check of less than $75, we couldn’t afford to buy very many cans of extra beans.

But when we moved out of that 800 square foot house in 1975, I threw away the whole boxes of canned goods my father had put away.  Amazingly the cans didn’t have any evidence of failure.  Throughout my youth I replayed the battles of World War 2, using my Replica 1903 Springfield Parade Rifle that I had I added a wooden magazine to so it and made it M-14.  I had picked up bunches of surplus military gear at flea markets to use in my battles.  Beyond that I was a scout which taught me self reliance how to adapt and overcome because I had to, my families low income made this paramount.  I work a paper route delivering news papers for extra income. I know that some of my earnings were used for the family expenses and my change box was short off and on.  That’s life.I earned about $10 a month and was fairly happy.  In high school my father passed away leaving me to care for the family and acting as the family driver.  I went to school and provided the transportation for everyone in the family.  While in high school the social studies department got funding to teach a program call American Wilderness. This included a backpacking program. The wilderness club chartered buses once a month and held hikes to various locations.  Some of the program covered survival skills using military training films to teach you tricks and skills. This and the 1971 earthquake caused me to believe I had to start planning for difference scenarios.  But it was the early 1970’s and the cold war was still very active. Nixon hadn’t gone to China, Reagan was still Governor of California and we didn’t know if the Soviets were going to nuke us.  I got married in 1982. I was at what I now call “the ranch” doing something outside, my prepping plans were never rushed, never war emergency until one day I saw three B-52’s over flying the area refueling off a KC-135 and heading for the ocean.


This was a wakeup call. After that my preps took on a new urgency no longer was yard work my primary concern. Over the years I had become trained as a practical Pistol and Rifle shooter and was fairly good. I even found a legal way to write it off my income tax.  I even helped out training new shooters weapons handling and safety. Around this time a second warning hit home I was just getting ready to jump in the truck to go off to night classes when a missile was launched out of Vandenberg AFB.

The view was much like this photo but it was punctuated with a staging of the second stage booster that filled the sky with a glowing orb of sunlit gas as the last of it fuel ran out. But again it warned me to prep and be ready for the war between the United States and the Soviet Union, the old monster was still there still rearing it head to add to my prep work.

As my family grew I had to grow with it using my skills as a scout master. Teaching wilderness survival skills and backpacking to the new scouts not always the scout way. The thing is this all grew out of the cold war and having so little to work with. So the reason I prep is family.  All of my actions have been to provide supplies, skills and support while many of my preps are nuclear war related, they crossover. Many of my job skills have become more prepper applicable with the changing of the threats.  I prep because with the changing threats I still have to protect my family, and it seems like twice a year there is a new threat somewhere that I have to prep for. Whether I prep for an earthquake, pandemic, coronal mass ejection (CME),  electromagnetic pulse EMP, nuclear war, economic collapse, hyperinflation, depression, comet impact, asteroid strike, oil crisis, or a polar shift, zombies, and vampires… Yes I do have a supply of wooden stakes stored, but not for vampires. They are for staking down a tarp or tent, but if by some quack of fate “Chance” my dog and I have to face down a hungry vampire, I have stockpiled garlic and wood stakes to wreck havoc on them blood sucking freaks. Oh crap, I forgot the holy water…


Were good, it’s covered…


via ModernSurvivalOnline.com http://ift.tt/1Lu6eBv

Chess Puzzle | 6/24/2015 - Mate in 5

via Chess.com - Play. Learn. Share. http://ift.tt/1e2XAM9

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – June 24th, 2015

This past weekend “The Group” went camping. The Group is the MAG survival group I belong to. Great group of guys and truly feel that we are turning into a Band of Brothers that can be there for each other whenever needed. Camping was good although the heat was. Some of us brought our kids and I brought Christopher – my 12 year old. Did a little fishing and canoeing.


Saturday night supper consisted of a couple of MRE’s from MealKitSupply.com. I ate Chili with Beans and Christopher had Ravioli’s. Taste? Fantastic! The built-in heaters in each MRE worked extremely well heating the food packets so hot I could not hold on to them. I was very pleased that Christopher liked the MRE he picked out. He thought they were so “cool”.


Sleeping arrangements were courtesy of a couple of hammocks. My Grand Trunk Skeeter Beeter Pro worked extremely well and two of my fellow members showed me some tricks to setting it up. The Yukon Outfitters rainfly worked well. A small rain storm came through and the rainfly kept my hammock dry.

The high temps kept me up quite late. I didn’t fall asleep until close to 3:00am and woke up at 6:30.


Christopher was to sleep in the orange parachute hammock seen below however I think he got worried about Bigfoot or a mountain lion coming out to get him. Kinda funny – I brought along a pair of night vision binoculars that I bought a few years ago. These things were sold as toys however they actually work pretty well. Christopher was watching the wood line through them and saw things moving around and his mind started playing tricks on him.

The news story about a black bear being seen nearby probably didn’t help. He slept in the Jeep.



It was great being out in nature – even just for a night. Helps put things in perspective and spending time with The Group was good too.




via ModernSurvivalOnline.com http://ift.tt/1JhGIiv

Lucid Dreaming | Lucid dream from meditating or coincidence?

Some of you may know that I've been trying to open my third eye (pineal gland) and I went to bed a little late around 2 am, I decided to lay still and move my eyes (while shut) all the way up towards my forehead and concentrate on breathing and the third eye pressure. The article I read this on said the pressure/ strain would become pleasant and it actually did around 20 minutes I started feeling a dollar coin sized pressure but could also see something through the blackness. I decided after 10 mins to just go to bed and then some time today I had a lucid dream, one of the clearest ones yet! Finally had my first flying one too!! (on a bike :D)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/1SGPSXi

Lucid Dreaming | Any tips on RC’ing during inconvenient times?

When I do RC’s, I usually do them when I’m not busy and I take about 1-2 minutes to do them (I know they only really need a few seconds, but sometimes I just choose to do them like this). The problem sometimes is, trying to RC in the midst of waking life distractions, for example, talking to people, social situations, being on the go, in a busy activity etc. It’s not an issue of discretion as many RC’s can be done without others noticing, that’s not the problem, the problem is trying to split your attention between engaging in a busy activity (which requires your attention) and trying to question whether you’re dreaming at the same time. Maybe it’s not even possible to split your attention like this, I don’t know -- but given the amount of times in dreams you can often talk to people, get involved in busy, attention-robbing activities or whatever, I think it would be helpful to be able to RC at these times, but it’s so darn difficult, and feels like such a hindrance. Would anyone have any sort of advice on this? :lol:

Thanks in advance

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/1eFFKj3

Chess Puzzle | 6/23/2015 - V.Ivanchuk - B.Ivanovic, NY, 1988

via Chess.com - Play. Learn. Share. http://ift.tt/1GDXNzg

Monday, June 22, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – June 23rd, 2015

There has been an onslaught of rimfire pistols and rifles coming online over the past couple years. With .22LR becoming more widely available these firearms are looking more attractive. The .22LR is my favorite caliber. Why? It represents so much fun for very little money.

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Looks like the Progressives have totally taken over Tylenol from what I have seen of their recent marketing efforts.

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Looks like it is a “No” on videotaping my “From the Desk of John Rourke” posts every so often. No big deal.

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I am in the middle of Book 9 of the 299 Days series. I cannot say it enough how much I have enjoyed this series. I listened to the audible versions. Great stuff and the most realistic and plausible description of the coming collapse.

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This kid shows more common sense and logic than 99% of the Politicians out there…..


via ModernSurvivalOnline.com http://ift.tt/1LhCQxl

Vehicle Maintenance Advice

By: Tony D


As an auto technician and PREPPER, I would like to share some of my expertise in the automotive field. I have been “turning wrenches” for over 25 years, and have amassed quite a bit of knowledge. I often see vehicles in my shop that are in such poor shape, I can just imagine them clogging the roadways in a SHTF situation. I think that some folks just don’t care. But I also think there are other folks who don’t know what is necessary and what is just a line of bull. Unfortunately, the auto repair business is full of folks that turn customers into victims. After becoming a victim, most customers find it hard to trust any repair shop, or the services they recommend. Ask friends and family about repair shops that they use, look to the Better Business Bureau, I promise there are good repair shops out there. Another misconception is that the dealership mechanics are better than an independent shop’s mechanics. Vehicle manufacturers don’t breed their own mechanics. In reality, the technician working on your newer vehicle is probably fresh out of trade school. The only difference is that the dealership mechanics have the advantage of factory technical support. Since the internet that advantage has disappeared. Most shops subscribe to technical information services that put independent shops on a level playing field.

The average person has no idea of what makes their vehicle operate, what maintenance items need inspection and up-keep, and when they are being ripped-off with unnecessary services designed solely for the profit of the repair shop. The truth is that maintenance is paramount. Fixing an engine oil leak is cheaper than replacing an engine that blew up from a lack of oil.  I’ll try to explain things in plain English, and give the whole truth as to what is needed and what is not.


Vehicles today are very sophisticated; numerous onboard computer systems monitor every aspect of the vehicles’ operation. The truth is, vehicles have changed more in the last 5 years than they have in the last 75 years. I will outline the major systems from bumper to bumper, and from roof to tires to describe system operation, needed inspections, and any maintenance that should be performed, as well as unnecessary operations offered by service centers that offer no benefit to your vehicle.  I guess we’ll start from the front and work our way to the back covering the major systems.

Car maintenance oil change

HEADLIGHTS:  Believe it or not, your headlights are computer controlled. Some vehicles, as early as model year 1999 had the headlight operation controlled by a computer called the body control module (BCM). The BCM can operate the lights with sensors that monitor the ambient light outside and turn them on or off as it sees fit. Using higher wattage or hotter bulbs can draw more amperage that the system is designed to handle and in the long term can damage the BCM. You see these bulbs advertised in magazines and on TV. Although the newer, hotter replacement bulbs do provide some better light, they also draw more current and have a much shorter lifespan than a direct replacement bulb. You should avoid the sales pitch of blah-blah brighter, blah-blah safer. Stick with the bulbs designed for your vehicle by the manufacturer. Chances are if your lights seem to be less efficient it’s because the headlight lenses themselves are getting cloudy and oxidized due to UV damage. There are simple restoration products that will remove the oxidation and return the lenses to near new clarity for a fraction of the cost of a replacement lens.


RADIATOR: The radiator is responsible for cooling the engine, cooling the transmission fluid and is also part of the heating system, for this reason we’ll cover all of these here. The radiator is a heat exchanger. The engine block is hollow. This hollow area called a water jacket is filled with anti-freeze/coolant. The friction of the pistons in the cylinders and the combustion that occurs within the cylinders generates heat. That heat is absorbed through the cylinder walls into the coolant within the water jackets. The coolant is held in the water jackets of the engine by the thermostat. A thermostat is a temperature controlled valve that opens and closes mechanically at a predetermined temperature (195°).  When sufficient temperature is achieved, the thermostat opens, and the coolant is pumped from the engine to the radiator. The coolant that was in the radiator is pumped into the engine. The radiator dissipates the heat of the coolant to the air and holds this lower temperature coolant until the process repeats itself. Located within the radiator is another heat exchanger for the transmission fluid. Transmission fluid is pumped through this chamber and back to the transmission to dissipate heat to keep the transmission fluid from overheating. The transmission cooler is a sealed system within the radiator, meaning that transmission fluid and engine coolant do not mix. The vehicles’ heating system uses another small radiator (heater core) located inside the vehicle that also dissipates heat, but this time, into the vehicles’ cabin. Air is blown through this heater core absorbing heat, and forces that heat to the ductwork under the dashboard to the heater vents and defroster. The maintenance for all of these systems is much simpler than it sounds. Have the cooling system flushed every year. This prevents the coolant from turning into an acid due to chemical breakdown and corroding the radiator, heater core, water pump, head gaskets, and transmission cooler. This process is cheap insurance that will prevent major damage.  By the way, there is NO 100,000 mile coolant. I have replaced engines and transmissions due to clogged and rotted cooling systems at only 50,000 miles. Radiator and heater hoses as well as the thermostat should be replaced every 3 years to prevent failure from age. No special additives are needed for the cooling system to operate; just a good quality antifreeze/coolant is all that is needed.


BELTS: Most vehicles use what is known as a serpentine belt. This means that instead of individual belts to operate individual accessories such as the alternator, water pump, air conditioner, power steering, etcetera, one belt serpentines around and drives all the accessories. This belt is very durable and most are self-adjusting. The rule of thumb is to inspect the belt at every oil change looking for cracks in the belts’ ribs. Three or more cracks per inch indicate that replacement is due.


BATTERY: Your battery has a limited service life. The batteries job is to start the engine and to also balance the entire electrical system. During its’ service life, the lead plates break down and become less efficient. Have the battery and charging system tested with each oil change and replaced as soon as testing shows signs of fatigue. Modern testing equipment can show the percentage of remaining life in a battery.


ENGINE ACCESSORIES:  Alternators, power steering pumps, water pumps, starters, and such are serviced on an as needed basis.


ENGINE MAINTENANCE:  This section will address the mechanics of the engine itself. Engine sensors, fuel and ignition systems will be covered separately.  Aside from routine oil and filter changes there is one other item that needs periodic maintenance, the timing belt. Not all engines have timing belts, some have chains. Timing belts are prone to the same wear and fatigue as the serpentine belt, just not as often. This belt should be replaced every 50,000 to 60,000 miles. This belt times the opening and closing of the intake and exhaust valves in relation to the position of the pistons. When a timing belt breaks, the pistons can hit the valves causing catastrophic damage. This is one area where an ounce of prevention is worth ten pounds of cure.


FUEL SYSTEM: The fuel system has several components. Keeping just a few things in order will prevent major issues from developing. The fuel pump is the main failure in most cases. The main reason for fuel pump failure is pump burn out. The fuel pump is located in the fuel tank and is cooled by the fuel in the tank it is submerged in. Constantly running below ¼ tank leaves the pump sitting out of the fuel and allows it to run hotter. Keep the tank above ¼ and you’ve prevented a potential problem. The fuel filter also needs to be changed regularly for a few reasons. One reason is that a partially clogged filter forces the fuel pump to work harder and wear out prematurely. Another reason is that a dirty fuel filter allows some debris to get to the fuel injectors. Fuel filters are not expensive and should be changed every year. Doing this will eliminate the need for any type of fuel injector cleaning service (expensive). The last thing is the air filter. It has been proven that the standard replacement air filters do just as good of a job as the high dollar performance type filters, don’t waste your money. Under normal driving an air filter is good for two years. There are many shops that offer fuel system services under different names (induction service, fuel injector cleaning…), don’t waste your money. Once a month put a bottle of fuel system cleaner in the tank, I have seen totally clogged injectors cleaned out in one treated tank.


IGNITION SYSTEM: Basically this boils down to spark plugs and spark plug wires, and not every engine has spark plug wires, some have the ignition coils mounted directly on top of the spark plugs and rarely require service. Most manufactures recommend changing plugs at around 100,000 miles. The main problem with this is that by 100,000 miles, the spark plugs are seized into the cylinder head and either break off or strip the threads when being removed. Have them changed out at 50,000 miles or so along with the timing belt, and you’ll avoid paying upwards of $2,000.00 to have the cylinder heads removed and repaired.


ENGINE SENSORS: The engine computer (PCM) uses many sensors to read what is going on with the engine, and uses this information to determine how to control the fuel, ignition, and overall performance. Usually whenever a problem is detected the PCM will turn the CHECK ENGINE LIGHT on. Use this as a signal to have the system scanned, and the faulty sensor replaced. Continued operation under these circumstances, can be detrimental to safe operation, and in some cases can cause expensive damage to other systems.


TRANSMISSION: Since transmissions have been computer controlled (late 1980s) most have no adjustments since the computer is constantly adjusting pressures and clutch volume. The only thing that needs to be done is a fluid/filter change every 30,000 miles. The reason to change transmission fluid is to replenish the chemical properties of the fluid. Transmission fluid contains several chemicals, each doing a different job. There are detergents, anti-foaming agents, seal conditioners, friction modifiers, and such. These chemical properties break down and allow varnish to build up, seals to harden, and premature clutch damage. The best procedure involves removing the transmission pan, not a power purge. Removing the pan allows for an inspection and removal of any debris.  A small amount of debris is normal. There should not be enough debris to clog the filter. A transmission is a sealed unit, and is not open to any outside elements. Filters clog for one reason, the transmission is breaking down. Either clutch debris from clutch pack failure, or metal debris from gear train failure.   Avoid additives; most of them are nothing more than some type of brake fluid which will damage the seals. Keep tabs on the fluid level and watch for leaks. Most transmission damage occurs when the transmission is run low on fluid. Common areas for leaks are the cooler line fittings and axle seals. These are pretty simple to repair, and do not require removal of the transmission. If left unchecked though, will result in internal damage of clutch packs and gear train parts which require an overhaul to repair. For those of you that tow or haul, an auxiliary transmission cooler is a great idea. This type of cooler is an add on that connects in series with your factory cooler and reduces the transmission fluid temperatures associated with the demands of harder use. A do it yourselfer can install one in a couple of hours or a good Trans shop can do it for around $150.00 (worth every penny).


EXHAUST SYSTEM: For the most part the exhaust system is not a maintenance item. The main component is the catalytic converter. This part is designed to help control emissions by reburning the exhaust that comes directly from the engine. Catalytic converters go bad from a poorly running engine, avoid this by following the steps above and avoid this major expense. Catalytic converters can cost $1,000.00 each, and most vehicles have at least two.


BRAKES: This is the last place that you want to skimp on. Buy the best and have the rotors replaced, not resurfaced. Resurfacing the rotors makes them thinner and less able to properly dissipate heat which leads to warping (vibration while stopping), and brake fade (overheated brakes). Otherwise don’t approach anything any faster than you are willing to slam into it. Fortunately, brakes last a pretty long time (around 40,000 miles or so). Have them inspected every few oil changes and change them at around 15 to 20 percent service left.


TIRES: For the most part tires have come a long way. Most will dry rot and crack long before the tread wears out. Keep the pressures in spec, have them rotated every other oil change, and when the time comes, replace them all. This is crucial for any all-wheel drive or four wheel drive vehicle. Replacing one or two tires on one of these vehicles will destroy the AWD or 4×4 systems. The reason for this is simple: The AWD and 4×4 vehicles need all of the tires to be the same circumference. Newer tires will have a larger circumference than older ones, and will travel further in a rotation. This will cause a bind in the system and destroy the transfer case. Mixing brands is also a no no. A new 225/75/15 BF GOODRICH will have a different circumference than a new 225/75/15 GOODYEAR. A difference of ½” or more is enough to do serious damage. While it sucks to buy four at once, it will be much cheaper than repairing the drive train.


As I am sure you have noticed, I really believe in preventative maintenance. Replacing wear prone items before they break is the difference between getting from point A to point B, without a tow truck assisted detour.  While I can’t guarantee that you won’t have a mechanical breakdown by following this guide, I will guarantee that unexpected break downs will be few and far between, and your vehicle will be better able to serve you when you may need it most.



Keep the faith,              Tony




modern-shedFrom the Supply House: Here are a few popular survival & preparedness items available at deep discounts on Amazon. Many items are available with Free Shipping on orders over $35.

Gerber Compact Fire Starter: Be the hero when a fire needs to be started!

Doulton 10″ Super Sterasyl Ceramic Gravity Filter Candle: Build your own water filtration system to make virtually any treatable water source safe.

Doulton 7″ Super Sterasyl Ceramic Gravity Filter Candle – Set Of Two: Excellent deal on TWO ceramic filters for one low price. 

Lever Faucet for Filter Systems: Simple installation and allows for easy water dispensing after filtration. 

Sawyer Mini-Water Filter: Portable water filter cleans up to 100,000 gallons of water. Yes – 100,000!

LifeStraw Water Filter: Extremely popular filter – inexpensive and it works. Used all over the world to ensure water is clean and safe for drinking. 

LifeStraw Family 1.o Water Filtration System – LifeStraw filtering capability with a large size and format to provide clean water for the entire family at the campsite, retreat – or wherever. 

P-38 Can Openers – Pack of 15: Love using these can openers. Compact and portable – easily place a couple in your bug out bag.

Emergency Fishing Kit: Inexpensive and durable emergency fishing kit sealed in a compact can.

Cold Steel Recon Tanto: What an incredible knife. Super tough and super sharp.


Remember….purchases made earn this site a small commision with no additional expense to you.

Thanks for the support!!

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Grow your own food with the 4 Foot Gardening Blueprint!!


Gardening is a passion of mine and I have made plenty of mistakes and learned from them. No survival & preparedness system would be complete without not only seeds to grow vegetables with – but the knowledge and know-how as well.

The “4 Foot Gardening Blueprint” is a simple, easy to follow guide to growing the maximum amount of food in the smallest amount of space. If interested in this $7.00 ebook there are two ways you can buy it. The first is to click on THIS LINK and watch a video that preps you prior to buying. I don’t recommend it. If you want to go ahead and purchase it without sitting through a 6-7 minute video follow THIS LINK HERE and then scroll down to the bottom of the page.  

Happy Gardening!!


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We are an official AirGun Depot Affiliate. 

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via ModernSurvivalOnline.com http://ift.tt/1dcHP4k

Lucid Dreaming | REM rebound?

alright, i had some horrific insomnia last night and was unable to sleep, then at 6:30 AM, i conk out and wake up having had no dreams whatsoever at 11:00 AM. My question is, what kind of effect will it have on this night's dreams, and what should my wbtb time be?

What do you guys think about my signature?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/1K77jNH

Chess Puzzle | 6/22/2015 - Mate in 3

via Chess.com - Play. Learn. Share. http://ift.tt/1Gupmb6

Sunday, June 21, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – June 22nd, 2015

It was recently suggested to me that I periodically change the format of my “From the Desk of….” posts to video. Maybe a video a week. Interesting idea and not overly difficult to do.

Any thoughts or suggestions?

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Keeping an Emergency Cash Fund accessible is important. This fund should NOT be at a bank or credit union. If something should happen and access to ATM’s and banks are not available cash on hand would be very advantageous.

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The continued economic collapse in Greece is troubling. Today(Monday) will be telling to see if there is another bailout or will Greece’s financial system implode. For weeks citizens have been pulling money out of the banks for fear they will close or the government may confiscate some of it.

The end results of what happens may have a serious impact on the world economy.

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The continued call for gun control measures due to the Charleston shooting is certainly idiotic, but may be effective. As I have done for years I recommend get your defensive preps in order and keeping it that way. Firearms, ammunition, and magazines are fairly inexpensive right now. I am not suggesting that panic buying should start up merely just a reminder that the environment we live in right now with being able to purchase freely may not last forever.

If looking for magazines…..all with Free Shipping

E-Lander 30 round AR Magazines – $8.95

Magpul AK 30-rd Magazines – $13.25

Magpul PMAG Gen 3 30 round AR Magazine – $14.20

Smith & Wesson M&P15-22 25-rd Magazine – $19.95

Magpul Glock 17 Magazine – $15.95

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Reader Rick sent this in. Simply awesome…..

via ModernSurvivalOnline.com http://ift.tt/1LtWXGk

Left-handed or Right?

I am left handed for most things that I do. Just recently I began doing common everyday tasks using my right hand – and was amazed at how difficult some things were.

Tonight when I made myself a bowl of Cheerios I carried the bowl into the living room with my right hand. Of course – I usually use my left. This is really not a huge feat but felt very weird. Why am I doing things with the opposite hand? The reason is simple: Some day I may have no choice but to utilize the opposite hand to perform certain tasks.

Why be forced to use your other hand? Well – the most likely cause would be some sort of injury. Whether it be a break, sprain, severe laceration, or some other significant injury – having to perform a variety of tasks with the opposite hand could prove very frustrating.

Ever tried zippping up your pants with the opposite hand?

Ever brushed your teeth with the opposite hand?

Have you ever tried to shoot a pistol with your opposite hand?

Ever hammered in a nail with the opposite hand?

These are just a few examples of tasks that you may find rather difficult to accomplish when you use the non-traditional hand. For me one I do something a half-dozen times or so I usually will begin to get the hang of it. Other tasks come quite easy (hammering nails, pistol shooting, using a fork and spoon to eat, and punching).

One particular skill that I am really struggling with is shooting a long gun right-handed. Very difficult. I am left-eye dominant and aiming with my right eye is proving difficult at best.

Skills are one thing that I need to improve in the most when it comes to my Preparedness System. Being able to use either hand for most tasks is one that is easy to work on and costs nothing.

Give it a shot.


via ModernSurvivalOnline.com http://ift.tt/157MNwc

Your SHTF “Go To” Gun Contest

Here is a simple contest……..send me a picture of your SHTF “Go To” gun and the best one will win a case of MRE’s from MealKitSupply.com.

The collapse has happened. There is no rule of law. There are roving bands of brigands and gangs. What will you use to defend your family and supplies? I am not looking for a picture of your AR-15 leaning up against your refrigerator. Somehow make it unique and interesting. Set your entry apart from the rest.

Send your contest entries to emergencycd(at)gmail.com. Make sure to include the picture and tell me a little about why you have chosen this as your SHTF gun. Your description is part of the entry.



The contest will run from June 15th through July 15th. Each entry will be presented here on ModernSurvivalOnline. Anyone entering the contest must be willing to supply their name and address should they win the Case of MRE’s from MealKitSupply.com. Shipping to the continental USA only.

Alright everyone – start sending me those pics.

Good luck.







via ModernSurvivalOnline.com http://ift.tt/1LtWXpW

Lucid Dreaming | Techniques for sleeping faster

How to sleep faster:

If you try a WBTB or something similar, you might experience some difficulties to sleep. I searched and found some tips for sleeping faster and they worked well.

The 4-7-8 Technique:

It's a breathing method, I read you can instantly sleep by repeating this cycle 4 times. It has helped me a lot, but I still haven't managed to sleep only in 4 cycles and I don't even think it's possible, but you do feel more relaxed and, since i read that, I don't remember having trouble to sleep.

1) Put your tongue behind your upper teeth and focus on leaving them there all the time
2) Breathe continuously counting to 4 (just count, it doesn't have to be 4 seconds)
3) Hold it counting to 7 (same thing)
4) Release your breath counting to 8 (do it very lightly, but make noise)

It was developed by a dude with a giant white beard and if you search, you can find a lot of videos of him on YT showing how to do it.

When I first did that, I didn't know about the first step, and it also helped me sleeping... I haven't tried it with the intention of getting instant sleep, but it helps because it gets you focused on that cycle, so if you want to use it for meditation, it's useful too.

Stretching and Contracting Muscles:

a) Simply stretch your legs, arms, chest, just like you would do before playing any sport. I sincerely don't know why that helps and IF it does, cause I mix up a lot of techniques, but I'm sure it doesn't make it more difficult, so why not? At least you'll become more flexible.

b) Contract all the muscles you can for a few seconds and then release... Another thing I don't know why, but why not?

No pressure:

The biggest mistake to do when you're struggling to sleep is getting angry at yourself or worried because you are distracted. Just lay on your bed and let your mind start imagining things, don't try to force anything. This must-sleep pressure is only going to get it worse. Sleeping is about relaxing.

This website:

When I used to have a lot of problems to sleep before important days because of the item above :D, I tried some tricks on this website and they didn't work. But I've already seen a lot of people recommend it, so if you wanna try:

Sleeping Tricks - Effective Techniques For Falling Asleep

It's basic advice that goes from sheep counting to reverse psychology, and they explain very well.

Thanks a lot! If you have any other technique/website/list please share here and I will edit this post giving your credits. Share your experience too, if you try an LD method that involves sleeping fast like WBTB, FILD or anything else, tell me if you had success.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/1H7ocJa

Lucid Dreaming | Every reality check has failed me

It seems like a common theme amongst my lucid dreams that I'll
have all the main reality checks fail on me causing me to think "nope I'm awake".

So far I've tried spinning,finger through hand,nose block,counting
fingers and walking through a door. Sometimes they'll work and
other times they don't but as the weeks progress it's becoming increasingly
hard to convince myself that I'm dreaming because the RC fails.

In a few of my dreams I had every single RC fail... one after the other, then
the dream becomes unstable and either I wake up or continue along with the story aka lost lucidity.

Is there anyway to combat this or any other reality checks to do?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/1LcufvH

Chess Puzzle | 6/21/2015 - Mate in 2

via Chess.com - Play. Learn. Share. http://ift.tt/1GA5zu0

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Step-by-step video tutorial on turning sleep paralysis in to a powerful lucid dream

A short, step-by-step video tutorial on turning sleep paralysis, an often unwelcomed state, in to something I think all of us here desire: a gateway to a powerful lucid dream!

This is one of the most recent videos from my on going video series on lucid dreaming, meditation, body language, mind hacks, study tips, and much, much more!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/1K1Sc9N

Chess Puzzle | 6/20/2015 - Nowhere to Run

via Chess.com - Play. Learn. Share. http://ift.tt/1IpUg5E

Thursday, June 18, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – June 19th, 2015

Couldn’t decide if I was going to write this or not. Its late and I am supposed to get up and work out in the morning.


It’s everywhere. The tragedy of 9 innocent people being murdered in a church. It’s terrible. Let me tell you what else is a tragedy…….the main stream media.

Everywhere the fact that the killer is white and the victims are black are being broadcasted. Gun control is being mentioned so frequently that it could be assumed that the gun was responsible rather than the shooter. Racism is being constantly mentioned. I am so sick of the words “hate crime”.

Let me summarize it up for you…..

This guy was evil and killed some people and that is terrible. He probably did hate those people and his decision on who to kill was likely based on color. I get it. BUT – people are killed every day and a lot more than 9 yet there is no national outcry. Yeah – I will bring it up again but there are thousands of abortions daily and the news ignores it. I am now hearing numerous black people come out and say things like “Where can we be black?” Just ridiculous. The killer has been caught and as far as I am concerned should sit in the electric chair and fry.

Gun control is now at the forefront as usual whenever there is a mass shooting. Apparently my rights must be infringed upon due to the actions of others. Politicians, lobbyist groups, actors, etc. will be taking advantage of this tragedy and milking it to further their agenda. The main stream media is no different. Rather than reporting facts they will hang on the emotions of the situation and further the Progressive agenda including gun control.

How about this one – Thousands of people are killed every year by illegal immigrants. Why is there not a national outcry for a wall to be built? Why is the mainstream media not reporting on this fact? I will tell you why because it does not further their agenda to tell the truth.

I can’t imagine the sorrow and frustration the families must be feeling that have had their loved ones taken. I pray for the victims and their families.


via ModernSurvivalOnline.com http://ift.tt/1I0bta1

Getting Your Kids Involved By Making It Fun

by The Proud Father


I would not put myself in the class of a “Doomsday Prepper” in any way not that there is anything wrong with that, but I do prepare for unseen events that could happen.  I do lean more towards survival however, which does link with preparedness.  My family and I love the outdoors whether it be; fishing, hiking, camping, hunting, or any number of other outdoor activities.  I believe when you do these types of activities it is your responsibility to be able to survive in the event something tragic happens.  I also believe it is important to teach my wife and children these skills in the event I am not always with them or they need to help out and understand what and why we are doing things if we are together.  I have also found that this can be much more productive for learning and retaining that knowledge if it is fun.  This can especially be true if you have daughters like I do.


For example last year we took a camping trip to the great outdoors.  Being able to make a fire is a very important task that everyone should know if they are going to be doing any outdoor activity.  Its great to be able to start a fire with a lighter or matches and lighter fluid, but will you always have those items and/or will they always work when you need them most.  But being able to start a fire with a ferrocerium rod of some type is an invaluable skill that will always work if done properly. 


So over the course of a day we did many things to prepare them for being able to start a fire and keep it going.  First we took a walk out into the woods and looked at different tinder types, kindling, and fuel.  This was a great time to get out and build those family bonds while teaching.  Once that was done we went over a couple of different fire building types.  We went over the teepee fire, lean-to, and self-feeding or pyramid type and how to build them.  Which they then had to build in the fire pit provided at the campground.  I don’t believe in just showing how to do it but letting them actually go hands on and do it themselves.  Then comes the challenge. 


For the challenge they were explained the rules.  They were told they needed to build a fire ring first once both rings were completed they would both be given ten minutes to go out and get what they needed to build a fire and keep it going long enough to burn through a string.  They were told that the winner of the challenge would get the choice of two prizes, which of course were both survival related.  If this is the first time doing this the prize can be the flint they are using to get the fire started.  I then set up two metal stakes around each fire pit and tied a string across that they need to burn through with their fire while they were gathering their supplies.  Once the ten minutes is up they need to come back with all their supplies and lay them out how they want them before the timer starts for the actual challenge.  Then I start the timer and let them go for it. 


One of the best feelings in the world is watching your children succeed in something and watching the smiles on their faces when they do.  It was after doing this they asked if the next time we went camping they could do a challenge on building a shelter and then sleep in the winner’s shelter for the night.  After just on time teaching them a skill they started making up challenges for themselves.  And for me that is the goal of teaching them, get them interested and then let them seek the knowledge it is far better than forcing someone to try to learn it.


When we got back from this trip they collected all the items they thought would be useful for their own survival kit.  I was pleasantly surprised at what they had collected to put in their kits.  At first they just used old backpacks they had lying around but because of their interest we got them better bags for Christmas, which they were very excited about.  Yes two girls excited about getting a survival kit bag instead of another piece of clothing or some other item.  That is a win for me.  I have attached some pictures of what they have since collected and put in their bags.  They also use some of their allowance money they earn to buy new items to put in and then ask when we can go camping next so they can try some of their new tools.  Don’t get me wrong that is not all they spend or save their money for but they do think about it which is a sign of being prepared.


As you can see they have quite the assortment of items and some already know the motto of one is none and two is one by sheer accident.  To go over some of the items they felt was important was a flint and striker, matches, cotton balls, knife, multi-tool, whistle, and flashlights.  The paracord they had for making bracelets and found it could be used for many more things.  They also both have slingshots that before hunter safety they just had fun shooting pop bottles at the edge of camp to see who could hit them all first.  They now realize they could harvest small game if absolutely necessary.  They also both have small first aid kits and small fishing kits.  One of the first aid kits they found was from a safety day the local community was putting on for students and they were giving out for free.  They came up to me and said dad look at this it’s a free first aid kit for my survival kit.  The fishing kits they made by doing a covert raid on dad’s tackle box.  I guess we will have to see if they can catch a fish with them the next time we go out fishing. 


So all in all I have gotten two girls into a survival/preparedness mindset without them even really knowing it.  I truly believe they now look at the outdoors with open eyes and know how fun and exciting it can be to enjoy them and they know that if something happens they can survive long enough to be rescued if they stay calm and where they are.  I hope we will never have to use anything we have learned but I feel its better to know how to do it and never need it than to wish you’d have practiced a skill when you need it most.

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Grow your own food with the 4 Foot Gardening Blueprint!!


Gardening is a passion of mine and I have made plenty of mistakes and learned from them. No survival & preparedness system would be complete without not only seeds to grow vegetables with – but the knowledge and know-how as well.

The “4 Foot Gardening Blueprint” is a simple, easy to follow guide to growing the maximum amount of food in the smallest amount of space. If interested in this $7.00 ebook there are two ways you can buy it. The first is to click on THIS LINK and watch a video that preps you prior to buying. I don’t recommend it. If you want to go ahead and purchase it without sitting through a 6-7 minute video follow THIS LINK HERE and then scroll down to the bottom of the page.  

Happy Gardening!!

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Recommended Survival & Preparedness Information Offers


 Survive in Place is an excellent resource. I own it and it is very complete and worth the money.

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Please follow us on Pinterest!!  



via ModernSurvivalOnline.com http://ift.tt/1Cg8FPD