Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Success With Binaural Beats

OneUp here again guys, and today I'm going to be sharing with you something I honestly thought I'd never be sharing.

For about 3 days, every time I go to sleep I have been listening to a specific binaural beat track along with my self awareness practice and everything else. Keep in mind, I've only been using this exact same binaural beat track for the last 3 days. This track was created by Stephen LaBerge and I found it on his website a while back. In the track, he is constantly saying, "The next time I'm dreaming, I will realize that I am dreaming. Am I dreaming? Is this a dream?" and this repeats throughout the entire track, but its not annoying or fast, its rather comfortable and repeated at a good pace.

Only a few hours ago I decided to take a nap. As I laid down in my bed, I put in my headphones and started listening to the binaural beat. Honestly, the only reason I've been listening to the track, was to use it as a sort of subconscious aid that could potentially help with MILD and DILD techniques. I only play the song for that, so every time I listen to it I find paying attention to it useless, and I just let go and fall asleep without trying to fall asleep with awareness.

Anyways, I was feeling really good, so 10 minutes into listening to the track I decide that I don't want to take it out, and that I'm just going to fall asleep with the headphones in and the track still playing (I've never done this before). I started feeling really relaxed and for some reason, quite euphoric. I wasn't on any drugs or anything either. Like I said, I didn't care about the track, I was just listening to it as a subconscious aid. After about 30 minutes or so I started slipping in and out of consciousness. This was quite interesting. Suddenly, I would start dreaming, but that wasn't the weird part. In every dream I went into while listening to this track, the track would somehow make its way into the dream.

At one point I was in a classroom, and an old man that looks like Einstein is teaching the class. "Now students, how would I solve this problem? I would ask myself, Am I dreaming? Is this a dream?". I realized what he was saying and I was really surprised so I woke up.

In another dream, I was walking around in a store, and as was walking through it I heard on the intercom, "The next time I'm dreaming, I will realize that I am dreaming." Once again, this surprised me and I woke up.

I fell into another dream, but this time I was in my room. It wasn't my actual room, it was some dark creepy version of it. I was sitting up on the right side of my bed against the bed post. I looked around, everything was so dark that it seemed like it was nighttime. A blue light was shining from the left corner of my room. Immediately I noticed that there was someone sitting on my legs, and I couldn't move. Their back was faced towards me. I tapped this person/thing on the back with my hand, to try to see if it would respond. I kind of pushed it so it moved a little bit, but it was a mere response from the force of my hand. I looked at whoever/whatever this was, and it creeped me out. Whatever was sitting on me had an extremely disfigured head. I waited a few seconds, but this person would not respond.

It stayed motionless and didn't move at all. I remember how real it felt when I touched it. It was like I was actually touching a person. I didn't want to wait to find out anything else, or what this things face looked like so I tried something I've never tried before. I got my hands out from underneath my blanket and clapped 3 times in the air with the intention to teleport somewhere else. I really wasn't sure what was going to happen, but I tried it anyways. Instantly as I did it I could start to feel my body. I closed my eyes and went into this black void and then woke up.

Now my point in all this, you can clearly see that after some work with binaural beats, they start showing results quickly. Do I recommend using just binaural beats to get lucid? Hell no. But if you want to do that, do what you want because it works fast. The reason I made this thread is to show people that binaural beats do work. Before this, I really had no faith in them at all, but I realize now that if you want to use them, like anything else you need to be consistent. It just happens to be in the case of binaural beats that consistency really only means 2 to 3 days of use every night in bed.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://www.dreamviews.com/showthread.php?t=155641&goto=newpost

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